Thursday, February 13, 2014

Retreat Day 6

So scooter rental extended, and I'm off to an extra day of the retreat.

This morning I spent a bit of time warming up, doing an exercise in half pigeon that Anuraag had shown me.  Fortunately we got to do pure Mysore style from the very start, which generates much more heat.

My first adjustments came in Parivritta Trikonasana.  they were great, really helping me to open up in the twist.  By the time the Prasarita Paddotonasana C  adjustment came, I think my body was expecting it.  I just couldn't handle it.  I knew the pain was coming, and so I tightened up a bit. Golly gosh it hurt.  Then in Utitta Hasta Padangustasana Natalia came and got my leg right up onto her shoulder.  It was magnificent!  I've never had my leg that high before.

The jump-throughs came once, then twice, three times, then no more.  I think the body is just getting tired with all this work.  Jumping back was a similar story.  I was trying with wider hands, and it was working.  Once, twice, then no more.  I didn't manage any more until towards the end of the practice when Natalia came over to correct my form.  She said I was trying to jump back to straight arms, and that it was never going to work for me that way.  She said I was better to bend my arms while I jump back, allowing my body to come forward a bit.  It worked well.  I got to jump back three more times, then it was the end of practice.

I said no to Anurag when it came to Marichyasana B, because I could easily bind myself.  I felt bad a bit, but whatever, I wanted to bind myself.  In Marichyasana C I bound easily by myself as well (Yay).  Then it was Marichyasana D time, and Anurag came by and said no to me. :(.  I really wanted to do it, but she said it was better to do spinal twists all day than to manipulate my body into a Marichyasana D bind when it really wasn't ready for it yet.

Unfortunately Anurag was still there for Navasana, and she really is a hard task master!  They left me alone for the rest, and I managed three little Urdhva Dhanurasanas without using the wall.

After class we spent some time chatting in French which was nice.

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