Friday, February 14, 2014

Nuria's Shala - Doing full primary again

Today we went and practiced in Nuria's house.  She has a little shala room there upstairs and it was really nice.  So funny, she shut all the windows and blinds and turned off the light.  I asked her "why in the dark?"
"I always practice in the dark.  It's the only way I can keep my dristi and don't get distracted."
I found that really funny.  It's totally her style to say something like that as well.

This was the first time I got to practice a full primary in over a week.  Ahhhhh the liberation!  I do love full primary.  It seems to be a better full body workout, and all that rolling onto your back towards the end of the practice, that's pure bliss.  Not only that, but if I'm already doing navasana, there are no strength poses left anyway.

But where did Kukkutasana go?  It was my favourite pose up until now, but whoops!  I guess that's what happens when you don't do Garbha Pindasana for a week.

After that we went downstairs and swum in her pool.  Her house is full of surfboards and dogs at the moment, so it's a paradise for me!! heehee.

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