Wednesday, February 26, 2014

India Day 17 - 16th of August

Saraswathi told me to come earlier tomorrow morning.  I think there are less people practicing now than when I first started.  All the people that came for the USA summer and have now headed back to their homes to start work or university again.  Earlier is much better in my opinion.  It's cooler and the mind is more calm at that time in the morning.

 i skipped both the Parivritta Parsvakonasanas today.  I wouldn't be able to do them if I tried with my newly added stiffness, so it was a good thing to do.  I'm sure it didn't help my Marichyasanas not having done that early spinal twist, but today just wasn't the day for them... I wasn't feeling it.

Breakfast at Anokhi's, then off to the Tibetan Village and the Golden Temple.  The most amazing thing was listening to the Buddhist chanting.  The voices are so low and gravelly, it really seems like they're trawling the deep for lost spirits.

Leah and I being silly

Green hotel tonight for dinner.  It was nice.  There's a server there who is in the foulest mood possible.  It was quite funny.

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