Thursday, February 20, 2014

India Day 4 - 3rd of August

I'd read about shala time beforehand so I knew to arrive early.  From people studying with Sharath, they'd said "15 minutes early to class for shala time, 15min earlier than that because Sharath says so, and 15min earlier than that because everyone else does."  That makes 45min early to class.

So I arrived at the shala at 5:35am for the 6:20am class.  Immediately I felt a little bit silly because there was nobody else there.  So I sat down, and waited.  A couple of minutes later somebody else turned up and sat down beside me silently (who later turned out to be Rachael from North Carolina).  Slowly more and more people came and sat silently until we were a whole lot of lumps in the dark slowly getting lighter.  Just before six, the guy opened the gate and we trundled through.

Today was a led class.  In fact I'd organised it so that my first class would be a led class.  I don't want to be in there doing the wrong thing in Mysore style.  Saraswathi came in and everyone stood up.  She carries a presence with her, an energy.  She led the chant which was just beautiful and then counted us through.

Marichyasana D didn't bind today, but I had a great Garbha Pindasana and Kukkutasana.  I was the first one up in Kukku, and stayed up for her five full long breaths.  I could see she was looking at me which is a good thing I guess.  She stopped me at Supta Konasana, and I waited with everyone else until we all did Urdhva Dhanurasana together.

I don't know why, but somehow I was expecting more of a challenge at the shala.  Not like the adjustments from hell like the old days, but something more.  Historically there were two double sessions a day, whereas now I was just going to be doing one half-primary a day.  I know Saraswathi will stop me at Marichyasana D on Monday, so I've got to find something else to do.

After class, Carmen, Sarah, and Tullia invited me to breakfast which was really nice of them.  They're all really cool people!!  We had it at Sarah's house.

Cooking class with Anu was fun.  I have to admit the food wasn't very good, but she admitted that she'd only been cooking since she came from Mysore, and it's a different type of food to where she's from.  We made Palak Paneer, and chai masala, and some milky desert, and chapatis.

I went to the phone guy and got a sim card.  He said it'll take another 48h for the sim to start working, but all I have to do is wait.

After cooking class I had my first massage with Madhu.  On Marie's recommendation, Madhu was the best (but the most painful).  Well I'm a big boy, I should be ok...  Haha, I wasn't prepared for that.  It was very very painful.  Still, it was amazing, and I'll definitely be back.

Madhu's torture table

Dinner was Dosas for the first time. Yum.

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