Wednesday, February 19, 2014

India Day 1 - Flying from Germany

Finally leaving Germany, and Caro took me out for coffee and cake in Kassel.  She bought me two big slices of black forest cake, having remembered that it was my favourite cake seven years ago!!!  Now that's a true friend!

From there the journey began.  Leg one was a long tram ride took me to the main station at Kassel.  From there I said my goodbyes to Caro, and I was on my own on the way to India!!  Leg two was a very looooooong train trip from Kassel to Frankfurt.  I had to get an early train because of DeutchBahn's consistent lateness.  This is probably the only thing I know of, where French services outperform German ones.  After a stop in Frankfurt at my favourite patisserie, leg three was the train from Frankfurt to the airport.  Leg four was then the skytrain from one terminal to the other.

I met a German named Nora while Checking in.  She was also going to Mysore, so we did the rest of the journey together.  As Frankfurt is such a business town, we were the odd two out, two yogis in a long line of suits.  I changed some money in the airport and got royally screwed by the exchange rate by not paying attention.  Ooops!  Ahh whatever, I didn't change much.

Leg five was the plane to Delhi, which was lovely, Air India is quite impressive.  Arriving in Delhi and the smell of India hit us as we got off the plane.  It was strong and sweet.

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