Thursday, February 20, 2014

India day 6 - 5th of August

Today was my first regular class.  I got there to a line of two people waiting at the door just inside.  I lined up behind them and heard "one more" in Saraswathi's sweet voice come chiming through the gap and the first of us three went through.  Ten seconds later "One more" and about a minute after that, "One more" and i went in.

Saraswathi is amazing.  As soon as you step into the room you feel her presence.  She only has to stand near me and the postures seem easier.  I don't know what it is, but she has some sort of energy about her.  It's indescribable.  One thing that surprised me was how cool she is.  She's often making little jokes at the students, either encouraging them, chastising them, or slowing them down if they're pushing too hard.  She says some things that just crack me up and I have to stop from giggling in the middle of class.

The students are a different story however.  Maybe it's just culture shock, but I'm not really used to being around so many Americans.  They're very loud and brash and rude, and talk badly about each other, and only seem to care about shopping.  I don't know how I'm going to handle this - perhaps I'll only hang out with Europeans for a while.

Saraswathi stopped me at Marichyasana D as expected.  She said I should get it next week.  I laughed.  How many teachers have told me I'm about a week away from Marichyasana D?  I'm guessing ten.  She'll change her tune once she sees how unchanging my body is.

Problems with the bank meant that I didn't have time to eat lunch, only a quick smoothie before backbending.

Belen and I met Romey at Vinay's.  She's here to do a teacher training in Vinay's own style of yoga.  It's based on Ashtanga (Vinay studied with BNS Iyengar, who was one of Guruji's early students at the Mysore Palace.)  While picking up Romey from her hotel, we met a guy from Venezuela here on business named Hugo.  He's a really cool guy.  We went to dinner with him at 6 Main.  After dropping Belen and Romey home, I saw a huge frog hanging out on the street, and had to jump in front of a rickshaw to save it.  The driver thought I was nuts until he saw the frog, then he totally understood.

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