Monday, February 24, 2014

India day 10 - 9th of August

Each day before practice, I get up, and put some water on for my mate.  I make my mate, and then I sit down and do a little meditation, and some hip openers.  After that I eat a small meal, and it's time for my morning shower and nauli, before getting changed and ready to leave for practice.

I'm a little worried about my mate supplies.  I've gone through nearly a third of the bag after only ten days here.  Perhaps I'll have to switch to chai or something like that for the second month.

My Marichyasana B and C were more difficult today.  I think Vinay's work is tightening up my core and hips, and so I can't slide in to those poses easily and it's taking a bit of effort to bind.  This week they've been very easy, but today was harder.  I feel like I'm getting worse!  Marichyasana D was further away than usual as well.  I'm usually almost there, but today I was miles away.

This morning I got Brittney to take a photo of me outside the shala.  Here it is.

The Shala

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