Monday, February 24, 2014

India Day 9 - 8th of August

Today my first niggles from the yoga have arrived.  One of my intercostals on my back seems to have been strained a little, and also my right ankle is sore.  I think the right ankle is just loosening up from the motorcycle accident I had a couple of years ago.  There's still only a limited range of motion in my ankle from that.
I called Madhu for another massage, but he says he's heading to Kerala, so he can't do it.  That's the second time he's not been willing to make an appointment.  He must be really busy.

Vinay's classes were different for everyone today.  That's nice.  I like that he's specialising them a bit.  He still doesn't adjust though, and that's a bit annoying.  Also the fact that we are forced to wear a t-shirt in class is tough, because he closes all windows and doors, so it's steamy in there.

With a few others I walked around the city a bit.  Interestingly there's a McDonalds in Mysore.  I don't know how that works with the no beef thing.  We all went to FabIndia as well, but didn't buy anything.

Tullia took me to Gokulam Chats.  That's a really great restaurant.  We had the South Indian Thali, and it's really nice.  I'll be coming here more often.

After that we visited the Elixir juice bar.  Unfortunately it was expensive and horrible.  Haha.

I bought another cotton mat for yoga.  Hopefully this one is better than the blue one I have.  The blue one is nylony, and so slips a bit, and is stretchy.  This one is thick and cotton and orange.  It's really nice.

I found the himalaya muscle rub for my back and ankle.  There are two types.  One is a gel, and the other a cream.  The Gel seems to be faster acting, but not as good.  The cream is natural, and lasts a while.

Just a note on the monkeys here.  There are a lot, but they're picky with what they eat.  If you give them a piece of fruit, they'll often ignore it, and go searching for chocolate.  This one was going through a bin, picking out all the best chocolates, and ignoring all the other food!

A monkey hunting for chocolate

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