Wednesday, February 19, 2014

India day 2 - 1st of August

The morning found us in Delhi Airport, and we had a bit and watched some cricket.  This is the first cricket I'd seen for three years, not living in cricket countries.  More of that to come I bet!  Leg six was the flight to Bangalore.

At Bangalore airport Nora's transfer hadn't shown up, so she shared the ride to Mysore in my cab.  Leg seven was a little more interesting than the previous six:  The taxi got lost in Bangalore, but I had a GPS on my phone, so we eventually made it onto Mysore road, and through the countryside.

My initial impressions of India are that it is a cross between Kenya and Mexico.  The red earth and countryside is just like Kenya, but the building style and and general hubbub is more like Mexico.  From the side of a cab it just looks like general life, beautiful people, beautiful countryside, and constant activity.

I'd been warned about the dirtiness of India, but I think Bangalore is a bit different.  Certainly I was shocked by how clean it was.  It's no dirtier than Mexico in these parts.
After the six-hour ride I finally arrived, and settled in to my place.

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