Monday, February 24, 2014

India Day 8 - 7th of August

So Saraswathi says she doesn't like my Marichyasana B.  She says I have to get my front foot wider, not so close to my other knee.  I try, but it makes binding more difficult.  I think the muscles in the legs and hips need to open up a little more before I am able to get that one looking pretty.
In chanting class, Rachael gave me a hint for Marichyasana D.  I'm so close to binding, especially on the second side.  Sometimes I touch my hand, but I just can't quite get there.  Rachael says to get my foot on the ground a little wider, and right the way back, near my hip.  Then try to get my knee under my armpit, rather than closer to my elbow.  Rachael leaves tomorrow.  That's a bit sad because she's really cool.

I bought a shala carpet, just to see how it compares to the one I have.  Also, I'll need to wash the other one once a week, and we won't always have a moon day to do it.

Vinay gave me some variations in class.  I can't quite manage what the others are doing, so he gave me some easier poses instead.  I'm a little worried with some of the work we're doing.  It doesn't seem too good anatomically speaking.  He seems to be creating some muscle imbalances in my legs.  I hope that doesn't cause an injury.

Green Leaf for dinner.  Great food there.  The mango Lassis are great!

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