Tuesday, February 25, 2014

India Day 15 - 14th of August

All these attempts at Urdhva Dhanurasana and my wrists are really sore.  They have a severly limited range of motion, and that combined with the limited range of motion in my shoulders is causing them to be over extended each time I try to backbend.

Jumping through is also becoming more difficult.  It could be that I'm just getting tired after being here two weeks, but it seems more than that.  The jump-backs are getting harder too, though they are at least easy enough that I don't have to aim where to put my feet.  Once I'm up, I'm back.

Finally today I made it to the chocolate man...  This is going to be a daily affair.  I got dark truffle, dark orange, and dark cream caramel.

Chocolate man chocolate

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