Friday, February 14, 2014

Back to Paris, and on to Berlin

Back to Paris to see some friends.  I'd planned to see Steph, but her plane was delayed flying in from Israel, and she let me know that there was no way she was going to be able to rouse herself from Bed.  I'm sad to have missed her, but we'll have to catch up some other time.

I caught up with Julie, after not seeing her since Mexico a year or so earlier.  She was in great form, and we spent the day picnicing in Paris.  One thing the Parisians do well is a good city park.  The moment the sun comes out, people head to the grass of the parks to bask in the sun.

After Paris, I caught the night-train to Berlin.  It was a fun adventure, meeting lots of interesting people, and I listened to the whole Bhagavad Gita on the trip.  It was the audio version of the copy that the Hari Krishna's use.  Quite a literal interpretation, but still a good listen.  I don't think there are any other copies available on audiobook.

It's wild stuff, and contains so many good lessons for life.  I wish the western belief system had a useful book like this one instead of that bible rubbish.  Oh well.

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