Wednesday, February 26, 2014

India day 16 - 15th of August

Each day when Sam sits down to try to adjust me into Marichyasana D, he says to me "tomorrow you'll bind".  It seems that somehow Sam has cottoned on to the fact that tomorrow I won't bind, because today he didn't say it.  Today he said "Next week you'll bind".  Oh well.  I'm used to being the difficult student in class...
Breakfast today we went to the secret breakfast place in Lacksmipuram.  it was amazing, with the best idlis I've ever tasted.

Secret Breakfast Place

After breakfast it was straight to the chocolate man for some more of my cacao addiction.  Today I had a dark ginger and a dark mint.

In Vinay's class, we did something different.  Instead of doing a flexibility class, we did a strength class.  It was fantastic!!! For the first time in a yoga class, everyone else was struggling and I was ok!  It felt like the old days going cycling with weaker riders, or going for a surf in big waves with my friends.  I know it's ego inflating, but to not be "that guy" that struggles was a special feeling.

Today is Independence day in India, and so there's no sleep to be had by anyone.  Crackers and music going off all night, this is why I'm here. :D  <3 India!!

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