Thursday, February 27, 2014

India Day 21 - 20th of August

So now I've spoken to mum about the shark attack, and her immediate reaction was "Gosh I hope it doesn't put him off surfing."  Now that's a cool mum.  She knows her priorities, and it's all about the surfing.
Gokul Chats has turned out to be my favourite joint for lunch, and we had a treat on the way there.  There was a pig digging up the side of the road looking for food.  It was totally unconcerned by my presence, just kept on digging and chomping.

Babe in the city

Today was the second day of the Thai Massage classes, and we covered a lot.  It was great fun, and I think this is something I'll use in the future on my friends and family.  I have good notes, so should be able to.

India Day 20 - 19th of August

Big news today is that my brother got attacked by a shark back in Australia.  It was a big bull shark, and he's ok, with no major injuries.  It seems that he was mistaken for something else by the shark, and so it exhibited typical aggressive behaviour, circling him and charging him.  Fortunately he was on a Mal at the time, so he was able to pull himself up onto the board and out of harms way.  The shark eventually lost interest, and he could paddle in.
He says that one of his friends was spear fishing nearby, and so that could have alerted the shark to prey being in the area, or it could have been protecting it's territory.  We'll never know, but he's ok, just a little shaken up.

Today was the first day of my Thai massage course with Lillie.  Last time I studied Thai massage was in Mexico, so it's been a very long time since my last go.  It all came back though, and it was a lot of fun.  Lillie has a great way of explaining things.

At Gokul Chats today I decided to weigh myself.  I came in at 77.1kg.  That's only just down on my typical 78kg, so no real difference.  After eating I weighed myself again at the pharmacy and got 77.1kg again.  Hmm.  Well 77.1 it is then.  One special little treat left for me at Gokul Chats today was a cockroach in my food.  I'll leave a little pic right here of the wee fella.

Cockroach Thali

India Day 19 - 18th of August

Today we had organised a trip to go to another temple, but I just couldn't make it.  I'm absolutely exhausted.  I just couldn't do anything.  I tried to go to Anu's submission at the police station, but even that was too hard, so I just ate and rested.
At class tonight with Vinay he said "You are tired because you are losing a lot of weight." Oh dear.  That's not exactly what I wanted to hear.  I have to agree though, I do feel quite skinny at the moment, though it's more of a change in weight distribution.  With the food here in India, my weight seems to be dropping from my chest, and onto my belly.  I have a soft tummy now, I can feel it in my forward folds.

India Day 18 - 17th of August

Led class today, which is always fun.  I love being in led class with all the others, but it can be a bit cold.  I have to stop after Marichyasana D and everyone else keeps going.  Then when it's time for Urhva Dhanurasana, I have to magically join back in again.  In the interim I've cooled down a whole lot, which makes Urdhva Dhanurasana more than a challenge.  During the interim I sit there in lotus, following the ujjai breathing and listening to Saraswathi's count.  I like to watch the other students too.  My favourite to watch are Brittney, Melissa, Charalambos and Kiri.  I watch them because they're my friends and I always think that if they can do it, maybe one day so can I.  Especially Charalambos.  Even though he's a foot taller than me, we have the same body shape.

I lost my jump-backs again today in led.  I think it's because I'm really tired at the moment.

Anokhi's for a nice big breakfast, and I spent a good long time chatting to Everett and Jeff.  They're really nice guys, and seem to be into the yoga here for exactly the right reasons.  They're not all crazy about whatever the next posture is, they just enjoy wherever they are with the yoga.

After Anokhi's we went to Sams for his weekend lunch.  As before I had everything on the menu.  Yum.

Tonight was my first ever attempt at a castor oil bath.  Britt and I had a go at it, and we made a huge mess.  I think we might have left it on too long as well, because it made us both really really sleepy.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

India Day 17 - 16th of August

Saraswathi told me to come earlier tomorrow morning.  I think there are less people practicing now than when I first started.  All the people that came for the USA summer and have now headed back to their homes to start work or university again.  Earlier is much better in my opinion.  It's cooler and the mind is more calm at that time in the morning.

 i skipped both the Parivritta Parsvakonasanas today.  I wouldn't be able to do them if I tried with my newly added stiffness, so it was a good thing to do.  I'm sure it didn't help my Marichyasanas not having done that early spinal twist, but today just wasn't the day for them... I wasn't feeling it.

Breakfast at Anokhi's, then off to the Tibetan Village and the Golden Temple.  The most amazing thing was listening to the Buddhist chanting.  The voices are so low and gravelly, it really seems like they're trawling the deep for lost spirits.

Leah and I being silly

Green hotel tonight for dinner.  It was nice.  There's a server there who is in the foulest mood possible.  It was quite funny.

India day 16 - 15th of August

Each day when Sam sits down to try to adjust me into Marichyasana D, he says to me "tomorrow you'll bind".  It seems that somehow Sam has cottoned on to the fact that tomorrow I won't bind, because today he didn't say it.  Today he said "Next week you'll bind".  Oh well.  I'm used to being the difficult student in class...
Breakfast today we went to the secret breakfast place in Lacksmipuram.  it was amazing, with the best idlis I've ever tasted.

Secret Breakfast Place

After breakfast it was straight to the chocolate man for some more of my cacao addiction.  Today I had a dark ginger and a dark mint.

In Vinay's class, we did something different.  Instead of doing a flexibility class, we did a strength class.  It was fantastic!!! For the first time in a yoga class, everyone else was struggling and I was ok!  It felt like the old days going cycling with weaker riders, or going for a surf in big waves with my friends.  I know it's ego inflating, but to not be "that guy" that struggles was a special feeling.

Today is Independence day in India, and so there's no sleep to be had by anyone.  Crackers and music going off all night, this is why I'm here. :D  <3 India!!

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

India Day 15 - 14th of August

All these attempts at Urdhva Dhanurasana and my wrists are really sore.  They have a severly limited range of motion, and that combined with the limited range of motion in my shoulders is causing them to be over extended each time I try to backbend.

Jumping through is also becoming more difficult.  It could be that I'm just getting tired after being here two weeks, but it seems more than that.  The jump-backs are getting harder too, though they are at least easy enough that I don't have to aim where to put my feet.  Once I'm up, I'm back.

Finally today I made it to the chocolate man...  This is going to be a daily affair.  I got dark truffle, dark orange, and dark cream caramel.

Chocolate man chocolate

India Day 14 - 13th of August

Practice today was tough.  I've lost a lot of my spinal twisting ability from Vinay's work.  So much so, that today I couldn't touch the ground in Parivritta Parsvakonasana.  I hope it's only stiffness, and not a genuine loss of flexibility.

With Marichyasana D, Sam is getting me to put my foot down on the ground for the first set.  This means that I can get practice binding on both sides before trying again with my feet up in half lotus.  I think it's helping.  Sam seems to have noticed that I'm getting stiffer, and is adjusting for me.  He's not pushing to bind me anymore, just taking me as far as I can go.

India Day 13 - 12th of August

Back to two classes a day today.  Ashtanga in the morning, and flexibility/backbending at night.  I really like the two-a-day thing.  It feels good.

In the morning, there are a whole bunch of salesmen and delivery people that roll past my window and balcony.  One of them is the newspaper delivery guy.  He's got a special talent, and it's putting the newspaper in the exact same spot every day.  Outside my window I can see the second story balcony of the house next door, and the newspaper lands exactly in the same spot each day.  If you look closely at this photo you can see it.  It sure beats my newspaper delivery guy back home.  He can hardly even get the driveway.

Gokulam Chats again for lunch, I love that place.  The food is good and well priced.  It's also nice to sit outside at lunch.

I also ordered a new custom surfboard from Rodney Dahlberg.  It'll be ready when I arrive in Australia.  I went for a 6'3" 19 1/2" 2 1/2".  I'm going to get an orange all over spray.  The fin setup will be a thruster/quad combo.  I can't wait for it to be made.  Rod glasses his boards really lightly, so it'll be light as a feather.

India Day 12 - 11th of August

Today was our day off, so Tullia and I went to climb Chamundi Hill.  It was an interesting experience, being ripped off by a tuktuk driver, but eventually getting there.  At the bottom we saw the fattest monkey in the world eating sugar cane.

At the top, we started to have problems with too many people asking for photos.  Because I'm tall and blond, blue-eyed, and have long hair, everyone seems to want a photo with me.  It's ok occassionally, but when it's all the time it gets annoying.  I've started asking for 20 rupees per photo whenever someone asks.  Of course they're Indian so they never pay, but it decreases the number of people who ask for photos for sure.

On the way back from Chamundi Hill, we were running a bit late for breakfast, so made a quick call to Marie at Anokhi and asked her to prepare some breakfast for us for when we got back.

Fat Monkey

Chamundi Hill Stairs

Temple Atop Chamundi Hill

Britt has decided that she wants to join us for Vinay's flexibility classes.  She's really excited about it.  i don't know why, she already backbends like a beast, and can grab her calves in a drop back with no trouble at all!

Tonight is the farewell dinner for Monica.  She's been so much fun to have around, hopefully I'll see her in either Mexico or India in the near future.

A final note, I finally figured out how to get hot water from my shower.  Until now I've been heating it on the stove.  Hahaha.

India Day 11 - 10th of August

Led class again today.  It wasn't so good.  I'm definitely getting less flexible.  My binding in Marichyasana B and C wasn't so good, though I still bound.

I went for a massage with Lillie.  It was fantastic.  I think it's one of the best western massages I've ever had.  It certainly isn't the same as getting a massage from Madhu, but it's still good for the muscles.  We did a full hour and a half because obviously my muscles are quite a bit harder than the average person's.

Tonight was my first experience at the Green hotel, going with Belen and Brittany.  The food was ok, but not as good as Green Leaf.  The do serve meat though which is great.

During the day there were cows sniffing around the bottom of the house, so took a few photos.  They're beautiful peaceful creatures.  Here's a pic of them eating the neighbours' garden.


Lunch was at Sam's house.  He did two traditional Japanese meals, and also some desserts.  I had both meals and all the desserts.  The food was fantastic, but serving sizes were normal sized, which just isn't enough for me.

In the afternoon I bought a bicycle.  It's called "miss India" and it's a cute little thing.  It's a little small for me, but still a good bike.

Monday, February 24, 2014

India day 10 - 9th of August

Each day before practice, I get up, and put some water on for my mate.  I make my mate, and then I sit down and do a little meditation, and some hip openers.  After that I eat a small meal, and it's time for my morning shower and nauli, before getting changed and ready to leave for practice.

I'm a little worried about my mate supplies.  I've gone through nearly a third of the bag after only ten days here.  Perhaps I'll have to switch to chai or something like that for the second month.

My Marichyasana B and C were more difficult today.  I think Vinay's work is tightening up my core and hips, and so I can't slide in to those poses easily and it's taking a bit of effort to bind.  This week they've been very easy, but today was harder.  I feel like I'm getting worse!  Marichyasana D was further away than usual as well.  I'm usually almost there, but today I was miles away.

This morning I got Brittney to take a photo of me outside the shala.  Here it is.

The Shala

India Day 9 - 8th of August

Today my first niggles from the yoga have arrived.  One of my intercostals on my back seems to have been strained a little, and also my right ankle is sore.  I think the right ankle is just loosening up from the motorcycle accident I had a couple of years ago.  There's still only a limited range of motion in my ankle from that.
I called Madhu for another massage, but he says he's heading to Kerala, so he can't do it.  That's the second time he's not been willing to make an appointment.  He must be really busy.

Vinay's classes were different for everyone today.  That's nice.  I like that he's specialising them a bit.  He still doesn't adjust though, and that's a bit annoying.  Also the fact that we are forced to wear a t-shirt in class is tough, because he closes all windows and doors, so it's steamy in there.

With a few others I walked around the city a bit.  Interestingly there's a McDonalds in Mysore.  I don't know how that works with the no beef thing.  We all went to FabIndia as well, but didn't buy anything.

Tullia took me to Gokulam Chats.  That's a really great restaurant.  We had the South Indian Thali, and it's really nice.  I'll be coming here more often.

After that we visited the Elixir juice bar.  Unfortunately it was expensive and horrible.  Haha.

I bought another cotton mat for yoga.  Hopefully this one is better than the blue one I have.  The blue one is nylony, and so slips a bit, and is stretchy.  This one is thick and cotton and orange.  It's really nice.

I found the himalaya muscle rub for my back and ankle.  There are two types.  One is a gel, and the other a cream.  The Gel seems to be faster acting, but not as good.  The cream is natural, and lasts a while.

Just a note on the monkeys here.  There are a lot, but they're picky with what they eat.  If you give them a piece of fruit, they'll often ignore it, and go searching for chocolate.  This one was going through a bin, picking out all the best chocolates, and ignoring all the other food!

A monkey hunting for chocolate

India Day 8 - 7th of August

So Saraswathi says she doesn't like my Marichyasana B.  She says I have to get my front foot wider, not so close to my other knee.  I try, but it makes binding more difficult.  I think the muscles in the legs and hips need to open up a little more before I am able to get that one looking pretty.
In chanting class, Rachael gave me a hint for Marichyasana D.  I'm so close to binding, especially on the second side.  Sometimes I touch my hand, but I just can't quite get there.  Rachael says to get my foot on the ground a little wider, and right the way back, near my hip.  Then try to get my knee under my armpit, rather than closer to my elbow.  Rachael leaves tomorrow.  That's a bit sad because she's really cool.

I bought a shala carpet, just to see how it compares to the one I have.  Also, I'll need to wash the other one once a week, and we won't always have a moon day to do it.

Vinay gave me some variations in class.  I can't quite manage what the others are doing, so he gave me some easier poses instead.  I'm a little worried with some of the work we're doing.  It doesn't seem too good anatomically speaking.  He seems to be creating some muscle imbalances in my legs.  I hope that doesn't cause an injury.

Green Leaf for dinner.  Great food there.  The mango Lassis are great!

India Day 7 - 6th of August

Today is my first moon day here.  I started with a lazy breakfast at Santosha, and of course everyone else was there as well. :)  At Santosha Tullia invited me to come to Sam's baking class.  Now that was amazing!  Sam is an incredible patissier, and he's a really good teacher.  We made 7 different desserts, with lots of chocolate.  A lot of it was vegan too, which is useful in a group of yogis.

Sammy's Mud Cake

After the cooking class I went back to the phone guy for the third time, and finally got my phone working.  Calls are cheap here which is cool, because it means that everyone calls everyone all the time, we're like teenage girls.

For dinner I went for a giant paper dosa.  I've been wanting one since I saw a photo of one years ago, and here it is! It's huge.  Yum.

Mmmm, Paper Dosa

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Thursday, February 20, 2014

India day 6 - 5th of August

Today was my first regular class.  I got there to a line of two people waiting at the door just inside.  I lined up behind them and heard "one more" in Saraswathi's sweet voice come chiming through the gap and the first of us three went through.  Ten seconds later "One more" and about a minute after that, "One more" and i went in.

Saraswathi is amazing.  As soon as you step into the room you feel her presence.  She only has to stand near me and the postures seem easier.  I don't know what it is, but she has some sort of energy about her.  It's indescribable.  One thing that surprised me was how cool she is.  She's often making little jokes at the students, either encouraging them, chastising them, or slowing them down if they're pushing too hard.  She says some things that just crack me up and I have to stop from giggling in the middle of class.

The students are a different story however.  Maybe it's just culture shock, but I'm not really used to being around so many Americans.  They're very loud and brash and rude, and talk badly about each other, and only seem to care about shopping.  I don't know how I'm going to handle this - perhaps I'll only hang out with Europeans for a while.

Saraswathi stopped me at Marichyasana D as expected.  She said I should get it next week.  I laughed.  How many teachers have told me I'm about a week away from Marichyasana D?  I'm guessing ten.  She'll change her tune once she sees how unchanging my body is.

Problems with the bank meant that I didn't have time to eat lunch, only a quick smoothie before backbending.

Belen and I met Romey at Vinay's.  She's here to do a teacher training in Vinay's own style of yoga.  It's based on Ashtanga (Vinay studied with BNS Iyengar, who was one of Guruji's early students at the Mysore Palace.)  While picking up Romey from her hotel, we met a guy from Venezuela here on business named Hugo.  He's a really cool guy.  We went to dinner with him at 6 Main.  After dropping Belen and Romey home, I saw a huge frog hanging out on the street, and had to jump in front of a rickshaw to save it.  The driver thought I was nuts until he saw the frog, then he totally understood.

India day 5 - 4th of August

Today's a Sunday, so it's rest day.

This morning we went to Santosha for breakfast.  The meals are a little better here than Anokhi's garden - a little plainer and bigger which is my style.  We hung around Santosha all morning until Arun needed to go to lunch, so we went with him to a combination "Chinese and Thai" restaurant.  Their take on Thai food was a little different, but it was enjoyable all the same.

Interesting Thai Food

Today I signed up to Vinay's backbending classes.  He's built a new studio near the park, and will be holding backbending classes in the evenings.  We signed our lives away at KPJAYI, so we're not allowed to do yoga at any other studio.  So this is my only option, it's not yoga, it's just backbending exercises, but still it's fun.  This way I'll be able to keep my body challenged while I'm here.

I had a smoothie at Anu's cafe.  The cafe isn't open, but she's serving smoothies between five and seven each day.  The smoothie was quite disappointing in the end.  That's the second time I've been disappointed by Anu's.  Better to spend my money at Anokhi's and Santosha.

India Day 4 - 3rd of August

I'd read about shala time beforehand so I knew to arrive early.  From people studying with Sharath, they'd said "15 minutes early to class for shala time, 15min earlier than that because Sharath says so, and 15min earlier than that because everyone else does."  That makes 45min early to class.

So I arrived at the shala at 5:35am for the 6:20am class.  Immediately I felt a little bit silly because there was nobody else there.  So I sat down, and waited.  A couple of minutes later somebody else turned up and sat down beside me silently (who later turned out to be Rachael from North Carolina).  Slowly more and more people came and sat silently until we were a whole lot of lumps in the dark slowly getting lighter.  Just before six, the guy opened the gate and we trundled through.

Today was a led class.  In fact I'd organised it so that my first class would be a led class.  I don't want to be in there doing the wrong thing in Mysore style.  Saraswathi came in and everyone stood up.  She carries a presence with her, an energy.  She led the chant which was just beautiful and then counted us through.

Marichyasana D didn't bind today, but I had a great Garbha Pindasana and Kukkutasana.  I was the first one up in Kukku, and stayed up for her five full long breaths.  I could see she was looking at me which is a good thing I guess.  She stopped me at Supta Konasana, and I waited with everyone else until we all did Urdhva Dhanurasana together.

I don't know why, but somehow I was expecting more of a challenge at the shala.  Not like the adjustments from hell like the old days, but something more.  Historically there were two double sessions a day, whereas now I was just going to be doing one half-primary a day.  I know Saraswathi will stop me at Marichyasana D on Monday, so I've got to find something else to do.

After class, Carmen, Sarah, and Tullia invited me to breakfast which was really nice of them.  They're all really cool people!!  We had it at Sarah's house.

Cooking class with Anu was fun.  I have to admit the food wasn't very good, but she admitted that she'd only been cooking since she came from Mysore, and it's a different type of food to where she's from.  We made Palak Paneer, and chai masala, and some milky desert, and chapatis.

I went to the phone guy and got a sim card.  He said it'll take another 48h for the sim to start working, but all I have to do is wait.

After cooking class I had my first massage with Madhu.  On Marie's recommendation, Madhu was the best (but the most painful).  Well I'm a big boy, I should be ok...  Haha, I wasn't prepared for that.  It was very very painful.  Still, it was amazing, and I'll definitely be back.

Madhu's torture table

Dinner was Dosas for the first time. Yum.

India Day 3 - 2nd of August

This is Mysore?  What?  Rows of mansions in quiet streets.  Where's India???  This I was not expecting.  I thought I was going to India, but it seems I've arrived in Beverly Hills.  Getting woken up by tweeting birds, looking out from my balcony and seeing huge private houses and palm trees.  Ummmm…

I tried to practice in my room this morning, but coming up from the second Suriya B I blacked out and hit the floor quite hard.  Ok, time to eat!
Looking at the options, I went in search of Anokhi's Garden for breakfast.  Right outside the front, I met Belen from Spain, and we hung out during the day.  She's studying at another shala.  We were walking down the road, both looking for the same place, not realising that we were right outside!

Registering was fun.  The lady finally came at 5pm to take registration, and I was let in.  I walked in and gave my papers and photo. "Sit down".  I sat down on the floor.  "You beginner."  It was not a question.
so I paid my money and got a little card with a pic of Saraswathi on it.  She told me that class started at 6:20 tomorrow.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

India day 2 - 1st of August

The morning found us in Delhi Airport, and we had a bit and watched some cricket.  This is the first cricket I'd seen for three years, not living in cricket countries.  More of that to come I bet!  Leg six was the flight to Bangalore.

At Bangalore airport Nora's transfer hadn't shown up, so she shared the ride to Mysore in my cab.  Leg seven was a little more interesting than the previous six:  The taxi got lost in Bangalore, but I had a GPS on my phone, so we eventually made it onto Mysore road, and through the countryside.

My initial impressions of India are that it is a cross between Kenya and Mexico.  The red earth and countryside is just like Kenya, but the building style and and general hubbub is more like Mexico.  From the side of a cab it just looks like general life, beautiful people, beautiful countryside, and constant activity.

I'd been warned about the dirtiness of India, but I think Bangalore is a bit different.  Certainly I was shocked by how clean it was.  It's no dirtier than Mexico in these parts.
After the six-hour ride I finally arrived, and settled in to my place.

India Day 1 - Flying from Germany

Finally leaving Germany, and Caro took me out for coffee and cake in Kassel.  She bought me two big slices of black forest cake, having remembered that it was my favourite cake seven years ago!!!  Now that's a true friend!

From there the journey began.  Leg one was a long tram ride took me to the main station at Kassel.  From there I said my goodbyes to Caro, and I was on my own on the way to India!!  Leg two was a very looooooong train trip from Kassel to Frankfurt.  I had to get an early train because of DeutchBahn's consistent lateness.  This is probably the only thing I know of, where French services outperform German ones.  After a stop in Frankfurt at my favourite patisserie, leg three was the train from Frankfurt to the airport.  Leg four was then the skytrain from one terminal to the other.

I met a German named Nora while Checking in.  She was also going to Mysore, so we did the rest of the journey together.  As Frankfurt is such a business town, we were the odd two out, two yogis in a long line of suits.  I changed some money in the airport and got royally screwed by the exchange rate by not paying attention.  Ooops!  Ahh whatever, I didn't change much.

Leg five was the plane to Delhi, which was lovely, Air India is quite impressive.  Arriving in Delhi and the smell of India hit us as we got off the plane.  It was strong and sweet.

Frankfurt, Kassel, Hanover, Marbourg.... Two weeks off

I just had two weeks without practicing.

I know that's not very good of me, but I was doing a lot of traveling, and it was just too hard to get my mat out.  I saw a huge amount of Germany and that was fantastic.  It's a really beautiful country.  Unfortunately in most parts of Germany the people aren't quite as nice as those in Berlin. 

So many trains and buses really took their toll on my body, but also something else.  In regional Germany, people are not willing to attempt to communicate with foreigners.  I don't know why, but it's disappointing, and I felt I missed out on what could have been a better trip.

Now after a couple of weeks off, my body is ready for the intense yoga that I'm going to experience in India.

* * *

For a Date marker, it's the end of July 2013.  I'm finally heading to Mysore to start practicing at KPJAYI.  I have two and a half months there.

During that two and a half month Stay, I took some notes.  They started off substantial, but after a few weeks tailed off into just one line per day.  In the last couple of weeks I didn't note anything.  I have a couple of photos in my phone that I'll use to date-mark a few things I did, but other than that, the blogging will be slim.  At least for the first two months, I'll have a post for each day.

I promise that on my next trip to Mysore, I'll blog better!!

Quick practice and a long bus ride

Back in Berlin, I got a quick practice in before packing my bags to leave.  The body was nice and loose, but not strong after a week off, and I felt hot and sweaty and awkward in my practice.  I had to be quiet because it was late, so no jump backs or through, but just as well, as my arms were like spaghetti after the Suriya Namaskaras.

I'd booked the bus in a rush before leaving for Barcelona, not knowing how far it was from Berlin to Frankfurt.  I figured that Germany is a small country, so it couldn't be more than an hour or so... turns out it's about 8 hours... Oops!  Well I made it easily in the end thanks to a lovely friend I made on the trip.  It was Sally from Melbourne who was heading home after a year in Poland.  Poland?  Yeah Poland.  According to her it's a fantastic place to live!

Berlin was a magical place for me, and it's in my heart now, I'll certainly be back.  Frankfurt however is a bit different.  The people are "special" lets say.  They seem stressed out about everything.  Perhaps they just need a good primary series.

Only a few days here then off to Kassel.

Leaving Barcelona - smuggling

This will probably be my longest blog post, and contains no yoga, so feel free to skip it.

I've always been fascinated by the stories of drug smugglers transporting huge quantities of drugs across borders, and harboured a secret desire to tick it off the bucket list.  This was my chance.  Last year I had fun smuggling contraband in and out of Cuba.  Out of that I scored free plane tickets, so it was an inexpensive holiday, if not a profitable venture.  Smuggling drugs is a step up from brand name clothing and cigars though...

Hashish is very cheap in Spain, and quite expensive in Germany, so it makes sense to play the game from a financial perspective.  Game on, let's give this a go.
First check was the laws.  I did a quick check to make sure that if I did get caught, I wouldn't get into any trouble.  I did that by making sure I was only carrying a small amount.  The police turn a blind eye to personal consumption in both Spain and Germany.  Next up was to check for security.  The airport that flies cheap flights out of Berlin is basically a small hay-shed, so security isn't an issue there.  Checking out the Barcelona side was more difficult.  Yes there was security, but the airport seemed to be "under construction" in that Spanish way that says that there hasn't been any construction going on the last few years, and no plans exist to finish the work that was started before the financial crisis.  There were scanners, but only hand-held ones, no x-rays or any dogs.  I felt safe.

My first difficulty arose in trying to acquire the hashish.  Not having done it before, I realise that even in my thirties, I have no idea how to buy drugs.  Is that the genuine definition of a mis-spent youth?  People describe mis-spent youths as being wasted on drugs and alcohol and women, but was mine wasted on hard work, study and competitive sport?  Had I been a pot-smoking hippie, I'd no doubt have found my yoga devotion earlier on!!

Fortunately some friends of mine were off to visit an electronic music festival in the hills above Barcelona while I wandered around the city doing an inspection of Gaudi's work.  They seemed to think that all music festivals were places where hashish would be easily obtained.  This baffles me to this day.  Is there a stall advertising hashish?  Is there a guy walking around with a sign?  Or do you just ask the nearest guy who looks like he's stoned and hope it's not a cop? ...actually maybe you just ask the cops.  Everyone knows that's how they make their money.  And the purchase?  Is it done like James Bond with a secret drop and pickup, or is it out in the open these days?

I got home fully expecting everyone to be at the local prison, but contrary to my skepticism, everone was on the balcony smoking sangria and watching the city below.  Faby shouted Nico! and threw this little lump of what looked like kangaroo poo at me.  I asked her how much I owed her and she just laughed and replied "tonto" which in context means "don't be silly!" (Thanks Faby)

Let me describe it.  It was dark and hard, but sticky.  And the smell was sooo strong.  It wasn't the same smell as marijuana smoke though.  That smell is ubiquitous in Australia and Mexico, and omnipresent whenever there are young people together.  That smells like tobacco but heavy and sweet, like barbequing marinated meat.  This smelt nothing like that!  It actually smelled very nice, like a balm that you'd rub onto your muscles to relieve aching joints.  It smelled more like a candle shop where you'd buy expensive candles for mothers' day, and less like a stall selling incense.  It smelt like eucalyptus throat lozenges, or even fresh linen shirts hanging on the racks in a shop.

First step over, it was time to do the deed.  I had one little carry-on bag, and we'd spent the day with friends, and had a bus followed by another bus to the airport.  Now it was over 40 degrees that day, and everyone was melting.  There must have been roadworks, because the bus just didn't come.  Nor the next one, or the next one.  It was starting to get a little late, and of course I was stressing.  Finally the bus came and everyone squeezed onto it.  The doors couldn't close properly, and we were just a huge mass of sweating, sunburnt bodies steaming up the windows.  Each stop was the same with people having to unload to get others off, and then squeezing back on.  Each stop all new passengers were refused, but they tried anyway, resulting in some existing passengers losing their spots on the bus having slipped out to let others alight.  At one stop there must have been someone stuck half in the door when the bus started moving, because they fell out and were run over by the bus!  I don't know if they were killed or not, but Screaming and shouting ensued and the police were of course soon on the scene.  This whole venture was turning into a disaster.

The second bus was air-conditioned and cool, and my nerves chilled a little bit.  The problem was that I had a brown lump burning a hole in my pocket, and not much time to hide it.  Finally at the airport, and we only had a few minutes to get to the gate.

Now we were at the airport, and I still had to do the 'insertion'.  We hunted around for a toilet, but the only one we found had a long line of guys waiting outside it.  Being a typical Spanish toilet, one of the two cubicles and the urinal were both out of order, so the line was all waiting for the one cubical.  I was watching my phone as the minutes ticked away one by one, getting more and more agitated...  My friend had given up on me, and had headed upstairs to board the plane, but I'd come too far.  There was no way I was going to give up now!  All of a sudden I hear a "NICOOOO" from the stairs, and she comes running down to tell me that there are toilets upstairs.  So I come running upstairs only to suddenly be in the line for the scanners, with people taking their laptops out of bags around me.  She points past the scanners to a "baño" sign. I explain to her gently that I need a baño before the scanners, or I'll get caught.  The people around us were clearly listening to me because they started sniggering, and one of the security guards started looking at us.  I could feel my face getting all hot and red, and he had that look like he was about to come over, so I turned and ran back down the stairs!

At the toilet downstairs the line hadn't moved, and I gave a pleading look to the kid who'd been waiting behind me and told him I only needed 30 seconds.  He let me in front (I'm a big guy) and I nipped into the cubicle and managed the slightly uncomfortable but entirely painless affair.  Finally back up the stairs, and magically the long line for the security scan had gone, so we rushed through and ran to the gate, last onto the plane.

Now being a devout adherant to satya, I was in trouble if anyone asked any questions.  "Are you carrying any drugs son?" being the worst of the possible questions and my answer would certainly cause me to miss my flight at best, and who knows what at worst!
If there's one thing Spanish people are tolerant of, it's running late.  So the fact that I was shaking like a leaf in the wind, glowing bright red and sweating, and with obvious stress on my face was probably put down to the fact that our plane was about to take off without us.  That one Security guard that was staring at me before I went downstairs must have thought I just desperately needed a toilet!

On the plane and finally settled in, I was fine.  I could never quite get comfortable though.  It's just not comfortable having something inside your anus.  I ended up chatting to the guy sitting next to me about it, and he just laughed and said he had an easier way.  He had a missing molar, and had pushed a ball of hashish into the place where his tooth had been.  I just laughed.  So I wasn't really trailblazing here, everybody does it.

Getting through airport security in Berlin was easy... there was none.  Then finally the train home, and it was time for extraction.  Well work done, and a success.  I left the "merchandise" in Berlin on my friend's very messy table, and it's probably still there when I'm writing these blog posts nearly a year later.

Next stop Frankfurt, then Kassel.

Sunday, February 16, 2014


Off on a holiday to Barcelona for a week, and it was a great experience.  Wow!!  What a fun city!  If it had waves, then I'd certainly consider living here.  The way of life seems very relaxed but vibrant, full of life and activity.  There are huge public spaces always full of people, and lots of historical centres where you can get lost in the history of the place.

I seemed to do so much stuff from exploring the archtecture and the design of the city, to looking at the magnificent art there.  Shopping for food was fantastic.  Gaspatxo and salamis, tortilla and tapas.  It's a beautiful place.

In the giant marketplace they had there I found some mate.  After accidentally leaving all my mate cups and bombillas and yerba in Mexico, I'd been lucky that I was living with Mate drinkers both in Ibiza and France and Germany.  Here I was finally able to buy myself a new cup and bombilla and enough yerba to get me through India.

I didn't manage to do any Ashtanga, but almost every day we went to the beach, and I did a lot of stretching and breathing there each time.

Coming back from Barcelona was an exciting experience, but I'll leave that for my next blog post! 

Photo reblog

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Good practice in Berlin

I've been getting some good series in here in Berlin.  There seems to be a fantastic vibe to this place.  It could be the town Berlin.  I've had fun my whole time here.  The people are friendly and chilled out.  Kreutzberg is really nice too, much nicer than the northern parts of the city.  Perhaps it's seeing old friends that I haven't seen for a while.  Maybe it's speaking Spanish again.  We've also had some lovely sunny weather.

Practicing at home, it's been warm, and I have a nice big room to practice in, with a solid wooden floor and a high ceiling.  My body has been open, with easy binds in all but Marichyasana D.  I'm tempted to go back to doing full primary if it stays like this, but had best keep it cool until at least Mysore.  Who knows, Saraswati might finish me in Primary while I'm there anyway.  Well... that would be wishful thinking, but still...

Another thing about being in a big house is that there's time to do all the things I enjoy.  This week I'be been making tortilla and gaspatxo a lot.  The combination is perfect.  I know tortilla isn't the healthiest thing in the world, but gaspatxo is, and I love them!

Next stop Barcelona

Ashtanga Yoga Berlin

Here in Berlin, I inscribed at a local studio Ashtanga Yoga Berlin.

It's a lovely place, a bit of a walk from where I'm staying, but the sessions I get to are during the day, so the place isn't busy at all which is nice.

I had three different teachers while I was there.  The first was a lady Nathalie from Brazil.  While being lovely, she was utterly lost with my body.  I think a lot of teachers have never had a body like mine, and so they don't know how to deal with it.  She in particular would try her best to adjust, but say things like "your body doesn't move when I push." Oh well.

The next teacher was Nir.  He was absolutely amazing.  He was a softly spoken little guy, and really worked closely with me to get me to move my body in ways I hadn't before.  He had little techniques such as getting me to push my plantar forward to his waiting palm after dorsal flexion to activate certain muscles in my legs and hips.  The guy was a real technician, and I learnt heaps.  Another thing he got me to do, was every second time I went up for a jump back, I should pull upward and backward as far as I can with straight legs.  This will slowly strengthen my core for eventual straight-leg transitions.  Well it's hard work, that's for sure!!

The other guy I had a couple of times was Grischa.  I though he said his name was Josh, but the website says Grischa.  He had a lot of experience, and was a master manipulator.  He wasn't as good as Nir, but got me easily into Mari-D on both sides, and that was really pleasing.  He had some pretty negative things to say about Saraswathi in Mysore though.  Maybe he had a bad experience.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Back to Paris, and on to Berlin

Back to Paris to see some friends.  I'd planned to see Steph, but her plane was delayed flying in from Israel, and she let me know that there was no way she was going to be able to rouse herself from Bed.  I'm sad to have missed her, but we'll have to catch up some other time.

I caught up with Julie, after not seeing her since Mexico a year or so earlier.  She was in great form, and we spent the day picnicing in Paris.  One thing the Parisians do well is a good city park.  The moment the sun comes out, people head to the grass of the parks to bask in the sun.

After Paris, I caught the night-train to Berlin.  It was a fun adventure, meeting lots of interesting people, and I listened to the whole Bhagavad Gita on the trip.  It was the audio version of the copy that the Hari Krishna's use.  Quite a literal interpretation, but still a good listen.  I don't think there are any other copies available on audiobook.

It's wild stuff, and contains so many good lessons for life.  I wish the western belief system had a useful book like this one instead of that bible rubbish.  Oh well.

Le Nord

I've been doing yoga in the frozen north of France these past two weeks.  Gee it's cold.  this is meant to be summer time, but we haven't seen the sun once.  For those who live there it's funny.  Each time they see me rugged up in my finest down coat they just laugh and say "Le Nord" (the north).
I did manage to get a few nice practices in, thanks to the ability to shutter my room quite nicely from the freezing cold and wet.

During this period I've been lucky enough to visit much of this part of France and a little Belgium.  We went to Roubaix, Calais, Dunkirk, and even went to a Patois Theatre.  Roubaix was amazing, as the caretaker called the council to get us permission to have a private tour of the venue, including the famous showers.  It was brilliant to see the place where my heroes raced and won their famous races.  Hell of the North they called it.  I could see that by the blood stains on the velodrome, and the dark sense of cold in the bathrooms.  Cycling truly is a hard man's sport.

One last thing, I finally saw England.  I still haven't been there, but I saw it from across the channel when we had a picnic on the cliffs on the night of the equinox.  As an Englishman, it feels good to have finally seen England.  Maybe someday I'll go there. :)

Caught in my underpants.

Staying at my friend's house in the suburbs of Paris, there was a flatmate I hadn't met yet.  He chose to come trundling down the stairs and into the living room just while I was in the middle of my Virabhadrasana B.  Well, what a shock for him!  To see a stranger in the middle of your living room in their underpants doing yoga...  Well it was time for his coffee. 

In the end he took it like a champ, and I had a great three days there in Paris and surrounds.  It was great catching up with my old workmates, revisiting old haunts, and experiencing the smells of an old life.

Back on the roof

As for the practice, I'm back on the roof, the harvested fields and orange orchards stretching into the distance around me.  I'm going to miss this place in some sense.  It's not for me certainly, but at the same time I think it's been a good transitionary step.  It has shown me how profound the internal change has been once I switched to doing a daily Ashtanga practice.  I can nolonger entertain the idea of drinking alcohol.  I can no longer push myself to go out and pretend to party with friends when I'm just not into it.  In a sense I've always been this way.  The years of working hard and studying at night, followed by the years of competitive triathlon training.  I was never going to enjoy Ibiza.  Haha, why did I come here?

You know what they say "Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man a woman if you miss out on the night-life."  It's a time to make big decisions.  Not to say I'm going to have a sex-change.  No I'm going to leave Spain.  France will be my next stop.  I have people to see, and it's been a good six years since my last visit.

The Other big decision is that I'm going to stick with half-primary.  I know I love full-primary, but the traditional method is to only do up to the posture you're working on, and there must be some wisdom in that.  Lets see how it goes.

Nuria's Shala - Doing full primary again

Today we went and practiced in Nuria's house.  She has a little shala room there upstairs and it was really nice.  So funny, she shut all the windows and blinds and turned off the light.  I asked her "why in the dark?"
"I always practice in the dark.  It's the only way I can keep my dristi and don't get distracted."
I found that really funny.  It's totally her style to say something like that as well.

This was the first time I got to practice a full primary in over a week.  Ahhhhh the liberation!  I do love full primary.  It seems to be a better full body workout, and all that rolling onto your back towards the end of the practice, that's pure bliss.  Not only that, but if I'm already doing navasana, there are no strength poses left anyway.

But where did Kukkutasana go?  It was my favourite pose up until now, but whoops!  I guess that's what happens when you don't do Garbha Pindasana for a week.

After that we went downstairs and swum in her pool.  Her house is full of surfboards and dogs at the moment, so it's a paradise for me!! heehee.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Retreat Day 7

A little sad to be on this the last day of the retreat.  I've learnt so much here and really benefited from the expertise in the room.  Especially from Natalia.  She seems to 'get' my body, and isn't afraid to push the boundaries.  At the same time, I feel safe with her adjustments, like they're really exploring new range of motion within my joints without risking anything.

One last Prasarita Padottanasana adjustment.  It was just put-my-hands-together-and-submit.  Almost like being on a massage table, I just had to relax and let her do her work.  I'm going to miss that.  The jump-backs were gone.  After a full week of tough practice, I'm just too tired now.  Not a single one came.  I got most of the jump-throughs though.  They seem to have stabilised.

Interestingly, my body wouldn't bind in Marichyasana B or C.  The muscles are all different today.  They're all puffed up and stiff from all the work we did on jumping back and through yesterday.

I'm really going to miss all the people on this retreat.  Of course the teachers Anuraag and Natalia.  But also the three Italians Stephanie, Beppe, and his sister Francesca.  I can tell she likes me.  Haha, she so shy, but she does make it quite obvious.  And then Nuria.  We'll certainly see each other before i go, and hopefully in Mysore too.

Anuraag gave me a letter for Saraswathi when we left.  It should serve as a good introduction, because I've heard it's easy to get lost among the crowd in the Mysore shala.

Retreat Day 6

So scooter rental extended, and I'm off to an extra day of the retreat.

This morning I spent a bit of time warming up, doing an exercise in half pigeon that Anuraag had shown me.  Fortunately we got to do pure Mysore style from the very start, which generates much more heat.

My first adjustments came in Parivritta Trikonasana.  they were great, really helping me to open up in the twist.  By the time the Prasarita Paddotonasana C  adjustment came, I think my body was expecting it.  I just couldn't handle it.  I knew the pain was coming, and so I tightened up a bit. Golly gosh it hurt.  Then in Utitta Hasta Padangustasana Natalia came and got my leg right up onto her shoulder.  It was magnificent!  I've never had my leg that high before.

The jump-throughs came once, then twice, three times, then no more.  I think the body is just getting tired with all this work.  Jumping back was a similar story.  I was trying with wider hands, and it was working.  Once, twice, then no more.  I didn't manage any more until towards the end of the practice when Natalia came over to correct my form.  She said I was trying to jump back to straight arms, and that it was never going to work for me that way.  She said I was better to bend my arms while I jump back, allowing my body to come forward a bit.  It worked well.  I got to jump back three more times, then it was the end of practice.

I said no to Anurag when it came to Marichyasana B, because I could easily bind myself.  I felt bad a bit, but whatever, I wanted to bind myself.  In Marichyasana C I bound easily by myself as well (Yay).  Then it was Marichyasana D time, and Anurag came by and said no to me. :(.  I really wanted to do it, but she said it was better to do spinal twists all day than to manipulate my body into a Marichyasana D bind when it really wasn't ready for it yet.

Unfortunately Anurag was still there for Navasana, and she really is a hard task master!  They left me alone for the rest, and I managed three little Urdhva Dhanurasanas without using the wall.

After class we spent some time chatting in French which was nice.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Sunday, February 2, 2014