Friday, April 26, 2013

Utthita Parshvasahita straight leg, and a fond farewell.

Class yesterday was exhausting.  I don't know if it's all the late nights out seeing friends, or if it's merely the emotions of leaving town soon that is affecting me.  I was tired from the first movement, and all the way through.

Again no binds in the Marichyasanas, and I think Coco was happy that I stopped trying to bind after B.  She often says I push too hard in class.  Yes I agree with her, but it's because I feel safe in her classes.  I don't push that hard at home, but in class I have the confidence to give the poses a good tug.

Today's breakthrough was Utthita Parshvasahita.  Coco adjusted me into it on the first side, and somehow it happened with a straight leg.  This is a massive improvement, as usually my leg is so bent that my knee touches my arm.  It was so exciting!  It's the first breakthrough I've had for a little while, and something to leave town with.  I then managed the second side all by myself.

It was a moon day yesterday, so Coco only had us do three Navasanas.  That was a little bit of a relief.  I had the best Setu Bhandasana I've ever had, and that was fun too.  I felt like I could stay up there for days, and had none of the cramping I'd had earlier in the week.

So that was my last led class for a while.  I don't know when I'll next be able to get to a shala.  Coco and I said our goodbyes, and that was it.

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