Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Packed led class

One thing I absolutely love is a packed class!  The air gets thick and hard to breathe, the windows steam up and then droplets run down them from top to bottom.  Pools of sweat collect on and around everybodys mats.  Mats are so close that they're almost touching, so in some poses you feel the different textures of your neighbours' mats and towels.  Best of all is the ujjai breathing.  it's so loud that it's a cocophany of sound, echoing of the walls.  It always starts together, but as each vinyasa moves on, the breaths go out of time, and there's just a costant hissing like night-time rain.

We had 22 packed into that tiny room today.  I think the record is 28!

Coco adjusted me into Gharba Pindasana and almost flipped!  She was trying to pull my hands through past my elbows, but when she grabbed my arms and legs she cried out "Nico your body is so hard".  A few people around laughed, so she clarified "No, like the muscles... Your whole body is rock hard!"  Well yes Coco, that's why yoga is so difficult for me.  Mostly due to my triathlon training I think, my body is literally like rock to touch.  It has its benefits.  For example, I don't bruise easily, and I'm amazingly strong, without having to carry around extra kilos of muscle tissue.  But one of the downsides is flexibility.  I am still unable to touch my toes with my legs straight, unless I throw down a few Suriya Namaskaras!  Also, my progress with yoga is painfully slow.

My standing series is getting stronger.  I really like the standing series, and would consider doing it every morning when I wake up if I didn't have to wake up so early.  Also, I hear it's not good to do two ashtanga sessions in one day.

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