Thursday, April 18, 2013

Delicate home practice

Nearly a week off yoga, and my body has tightened up.  I thought it would stay loose as long as I didn't do anything silly, but it seemed to revert back to my old "can't touch toes" kind of feeling that I used to have back when I was a runner.  I wonder if my body will eventually get to a state where that loose feeling I get from a couple of weeks of solid practice becomes it's natural state.  Or will I always revert to this tight feeling whenever I take a few days off for whatever reason?

I did a home practice, a full primary during the heat of the day.  It was nice, but there were a few poses I had to hold off - Marichyasana B and D were out, and I didn't try to bind in A or C either.  Garbha pindasana was a no-no because of my ankle, which of course meant wiping out kukkutasana, urdhva padmasana pindasana, and doing a modified matyasana.  It felt good to get back on the mat, but I'll keep taking it easy util after my chiro appointment on Thursday.

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