Saturday, April 6, 2013

Gooood Morning!

Eight led classes in Seven days!  The experiment is over.  A fun, hardworking experiment it has been too.  The results are in, and it seems to have been a positive experience so far.  I managed my first Urdhva Dhanurasana, and escaped without any injuries.  I feel strong and healthy.  The tiredness I was feeling on Thursday has gone, and all is good.

Today was a bit tougher.  It was cold in the jungle shala.  As well as that, my body is a little less open at 8am, so things don't stretch like they usually do.  Thus there were no Marichyasana binds, and a few other poses were soft and forgiving, rather than pushing to the limit with the breath.  Still, it was a good class, and I'm looking forward to a rest day tomorrow.

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