Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Strong led class

Monday's led class was warm and busy.  When I arrived, Coco set me to hanging a huge picture on the wall.  I mean seriously, there must have been fifteen people there already, but she waited for me to come.  Hahaa.

Class was fantastic.  I got back to where I was before my little regression, that is, binding in Marichyasana B and C, and a nice strong Urdhva Dhanurasana.  With the heat that's around at the moment, I got really sweaty, and not only was my mat towel soaked, but there was a little lake around my mat.
I managed to get a little further in The Prasarita Padottanasana variants than I had done before, and I think soon I could be straight legs, bent arms in D, rather than Straight arms, bent legs like I am at the moment.  I think these are the most effective stretch for my hamstrings and hips at the moment too.  I think I really should give these a go a couple of times a day, to help my hip-opening along a bit.

After class I met up with my friend Morganne, who owns a bar, and we did some Mezcal tasting.  Now as a non-alcohol drinker, drinking Mezcal completely destroyed me.  I was also up very late, and thus completely wasted the next day.  Work was an absolute catastrophe!!  Oops!

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