Saturday, April 20, 2013

The Chiropractor

The Chiropractor was really good.  He explained where I was at with my body, and said there were some areas were I was certainly tight with a limited range of movement.  He advised that I keep stretching my hip flexors, something that I haven't done regularly since my running days.  He also said that I had no major muscle imbalances in my body, only that my pecs were overly dominant and pulling my shoulders forward, causing bad posture.

The one area were I have an issue is that my scalene muscles are too tight.  I thought a scalene was a type of triangle, the one with unequal sides or angles, but what do I know????  Anyway, I need to stretch out my scalenes, and that will free up my shoulders and neck to be how they should be.  The tight scalene muscles and forward shoulders were probably as a result of the years of hard road cycling, with inadequate stretching.

He was really positive about my body.  He said I had an amazingly strong core, and that my muscles were all really well balanced, resulting in nothing out of alignment.  He did however say that I had limited range of movement in my spine, especially in the thoracic area.  The general advice was to keep doing yoga regularly, and if I can, get occasional checks with a Chiropractor or Osteopath. 

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