Monday, April 8, 2013

Ebb and Flow

The ebb and flow of the body is a funny thing.  After the rest day yesterday, my body has decided to drop back a bit.  It will come back up again I'm sure, but today was difficult.  No Marichyasana binds in B or C,  I couldn't hold Navasana or Kukkutasana, and there were no jumps-through or Urdhva Dhanurasanas.  Yikes.  It will all come back, I'm sure.

Still it was a fun practice, I do love these classes.  Today was the first class with daylight savings, and it was certainly different doing class with light streaming through the windows.  It was like this when I first started with Coco, and  it feels quite nice.  Kind of like I've come full circle since beginning, and I'm about ready to move onto the next phase of my ashtanga journey.

On another note, I'm going to take down the moon-phase gadget on the left hand side of the blog.  It makes the blog take too long to load.

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