Thursday, March 7, 2013

Last lesson with Karla

I was apprehensive about going today.  My back was a little sore today, I think because I slept badly on it.  I  have a really soft bed, and so I think my back is a bit rounded when i sleep.  Whatever it is, I never wake up feeling good in my back, always stiff and immobile.  Yet whenever I go to sleep I feel great.  Perhaps I should go back to sleeping on a hard surface like I used to when I was a kid.  Lets see how it goes over the next few days, a decent ocean swim might stretch it out nicely.

Karla's last lesson today, and it was a very small class.  I'll miss her as a teacher, she does great adjustments.  Also, she is much faster in the Surya Namaskaras, so I don't feel like I'm stuck in Adho Mukha Svanasana for an eternity!!

Today was a Marichyasana breakthrough.  In A I bound on both sides (normal) then in B I bound on my easier side (waahoooo!!!!) :)  And Karla adjusted me into a bind on both sides in C as well.  So of the 8 binds, I got 5 of them, that's more than half!  Although D is still a few years off (well at least a year anyway), I think C on both sides could be possible if my left hip opens up a bit and I'm able to get my left foot into a comfortable lotus.  I think there's an ankle flexibility issue there too from my years of running training.  Certainly a bit more ankle flexibility will make Garbha Pindasana a bit easier.

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