Saturday, March 23, 2013


I managed Kukkutasana!  It was a normal sort of session, unfortunately my muscles were a bit tighter, and so I didn't manage to bind in Marichyasana B or C.  Yet in Kukkutasana I went straight up and stayed.  It was lovely.  I stayed there for at least ten breaths, I was so happy to be up there.  I think the difference is that I've been preparing mentally for it.  I've been watching some videos on youtube, and the trick was to really pull my arms right down through up to the elbows.  That seems to be the trick, and I'll be working on being able to close my hip angle in the lotus position, to enable me to really get my arms through without too much difficulty.

It's really lovely to have a new posture come at me like that.  It was a bit of a surprise, but shows that wherever I put my energy,  I seem to get improvement.

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