Sunday, March 31, 2013

Thursday, March 28, 2013

50 Posts

I just noticed that my last post was my 50th.  Yay!  As yet there are no viewers of the blog, but all in time.  It's going to take a while I think for me to step out of my own practice enough to write stuff that is useful to other people, but for the moment, I'm cool with being where I am.  Speaking of which, I think it's about time I recorded another video of me performing the primary series.  I've had some improvement in some areas since the last time I recorded, but interestingly, not the areas I expected.  That is the beauty of yoga!

Tuesday was a moon day, and I was a litle uncomfortable with the day off.  I almost did yoga anyway, but ended up running out of time, so 'observed the moon day' like a good yogi. Heehee

After the rest, I had a really good practice.  The Marichyasanas came back to me for some reason.  They really do what the want to do, and they chose to come back today for some completely random reason.  Very strange.  I absolutely love binding in B and C.  If I bind in B and C, at the end of the practice I feel all warm and free and happy.

Kukkutasana I managed again.  This is getting better.  The main issue is hip tightness causing a poor lotus.  I think the strength to lift up is there, and the balance is just practice.  So when the hips open up a little more, it should be a litle more comfortable.

For the first time I was able to grab my toe in one side of Trikonasana.  That's new, because normally I can't reach.  There's also a different sensation involved there.  Lastly, in some of the Marichyasanas, I was leaving my foot in half lotus, and then kicking it out as I was jumping back.  Although still not a proper jump-back, it's an improvement, and quite exciting.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Bye bye Mary

I have to say, Marichyasana has finally gone.  Again today in the led class I could only bind in the As.  I'm sure there's a reason for it, but it's a bit frustrating to lose them when they felt so good a few weeks ago in Karla's classes.  There's an ebb and flow here, and apart from the Michael Gannon mishap, I have had mostly flow with only the occasional ebb.  Lets home the flow comes back and I get B and C binding again.

I was the only guy in class today, and there were about twenty women. I have no idea why the other guys didn't turn up.  Maybe there was a 'secret men's meeting' today, and I didn't get the memo.  Usually we're about one third guys, and sometimes more guys than girls.  I really hope we get more guys in the class, a bit more equal would be better.  I don't like the 'yoga is for girls' stereotype.

Again I managed Kukkutasana today, though this time only with Coco's adjustment.  The rest of the class kept on with Baddakonasana while I was helped up into Kukkutasana.  At the moment I have to pull my arms out a little bit in order to get up.  In this vid, Lino Miele seems to be able to kind of push himself up into the position without needing to rock his bodyweight forward.  Hmmm, more practice required.

Savasana was great, really relaxing.  I love Savasana.

I was all excited last week when Coco said that she'd be teaching on Tuesdays and Thursdays, only one block from my house.  Unfortunately in class she said she'd be delaying this a week because of the advent of Semana Santa.  That kind of sucks because it means I'll only get a couple of weeks of her practice there, but still, I'll just have to enjoy my afternoons off to visit friends instead. heehee.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Photo reblog

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Vinyasa Flow with Karla

The plan was to go and do a Mysore class with Coco in Puerto Morelos.  I was even trying to organise a lift up there to make it an easier morning.  In the end my lift fell through, and I got a message from Karla saying that she'd be teaching a Vinyasa Flow class.  So I dropped the idea of heading up the coast, and instead went and did Karla's class.

It was fun.  It certainly wasn't Ashtanga.  It was very easy to get through, but I think that's what I wanted on a Saturday morning.  Karla is an awesome teacher, and included a lot of Ashtanga style vinyasas during the class.  It was just a perfect Saturday morning!

Yin Yoga

I signed up to a free trial at  I've been looking for something to improve my flexibility.  I did a couple of the classes, but unfortunately they didn't seem to do anything.  I think I'm a little too tightly strung for Yin yoga.  It was still a fun process.  I made a couple of yoga blocks by taping books together, and got some nice relaxation going for a couple of hours.  I might try it again just to make sure that it's not for me, because I'm still looking for something to improve my flexibility.  Shoulders and hips are the real weaknesses at the moment.  I need to open them up for a few poses.


I managed Kukkutasana!  It was a normal sort of session, unfortunately my muscles were a bit tighter, and so I didn't manage to bind in Marichyasana B or C.  Yet in Kukkutasana I went straight up and stayed.  It was lovely.  I stayed there for at least ten breaths, I was so happy to be up there.  I think the difference is that I've been preparing mentally for it.  I've been watching some videos on youtube, and the trick was to really pull my arms right down through up to the elbows.  That seems to be the trick, and I'll be working on being able to close my hip angle in the lotus position, to enable me to really get my arms through without too much difficulty.

It's really lovely to have a new posture come at me like that.  It was a bit of a surprise, but shows that wherever I put my energy,  I seem to get improvement.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Blog name change

Time for a name change on this blog.

For a few months now I have been "N and Yoga - Ashtanga Blog".  It's served me well, but  I'm going to change the title for a couple of reasons.  Firstly I'd like something that is easier to explain as an address to my friends, at the moment there is a hyphen, and that's annoying.  Secondly, I'd like to be more searchable in google.  "N and Yoga" isn't really a good search term.  My relationship with yoga has reached a stage where I'm prepared for a couple of my friends and family to see this blog.  Thirdly, I'd like to put my name in the blog.  I'm putting my Spanish name in the blog.  I don't know if I'll regret this later, because I'm only known as "Nico" here in Mexico, whereas in other countries I'm known by other names, but that's a thought for a later date.  So it's going to be "Ashtanga Nico" instead.  By including my name, I"m also taking more ownership of this blog.  It'll be a little less anonymous.  So from to

Front row guy

I think it's official, I'm a front row guy now.  Today I tried to slip into the second row, but there was a general uproar among the gente, asking for me to move to the front row.  Admittedly I do know the series, so it's probably a good idea for people to be able to follow me.  However at the same time, I can't do half the moves, and so I don't really want people copying my poor technique.

It paid well in the end though.  We had 20 people practicing, and in town it's very humid at the moment.  Consequently the shala was a steam-room!  Up the front there are little slats in the windows that let in some air, so I could manage a bit more easily.  The poor people in the rest of the class must have been sweating rivers!  Goodness gracious, I can only imagine what it'll be like in a couple of weeks when we change the clocks, and we're doing class in the daytime instead of night.

The session was good.  I bound in the first 6 Marichyasanas, though dropped C on the left side after a couple of seconds.  I was just running out of breath.  Coco tried to help me up into Kukkutasana, but it was futile.  I have no idea how people hop up so easily into that pose.  And the way some people sit up there and do nauli... amazing!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Friday, March 15, 2013

No Power

Power cut today.  The electricity company claim that they have not received our payment, and have cut our power in anger.  Hopefully they can figure it out and we don't have to pay again.

So daytime practice again while there's still light.  Though I don't see how it matters.  Perhaps it would be better practicing in the dark.  Of course the dristis would not be exactly on target, but that's the point isn't it?  If a dristi is merely a prelude to Pratyahara anyway, then complete darkness is a shortcut!

I was half way through standing series when my friend needed me to head out, and when I came back, the body wasn't really doing it's thing anymore, but was rather cold and stiff.  I got through the poses, but it was just a relaxing slow finish, with a nice long savasana.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Six Navasanas

Another led class with Coco, and it was a good one.  I was just expected to head up to the front row today.  I think I like this new position, but as soon as some of the experienced practitioners come back, I'd prefer to drop back to the second row.

Standing series was good today.  I think my standing is getting much stronger.  Also it takes out less energy than it used to, which leaves me with more energy for the seated sequence.  Prasarita Padottanasana was a little better today too.

Coco did six Navasanas today.  She's never done that before.  Normally it's between three and five.  it sure was hard work, and I really don't seem to be getting any better at them.  Surely there's a way to train for them?..  She also did the Baddha Konasanas a little differently.  She did them closer to what I've seen in other demonstrations, but still not the full three.  She did chin to the floor with straight back, then head to the floor wth bent back.

In Sirsasana I noticed that my friend Ana was in class.  She's really cool, and I hadn't seen her for a long time.  She was one of my early friends when moving to this town, and it always feels good to see her.  We had a chat after class and organised to hang out in the next couple of days, watch a film or something.  Very cool.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Daytime Practice

I had a nice practice in the middle of the day today (Tuesday).  Normally I practice at night, so it was nice to do it in the daytime for once.  I did up to Navasana, but held all the seated poses for double breaths, so it was still a decent length session.  No binds, but I was warming down from yesterday's breakthrogh session, and my knees were a bit stiff.  I did Urdhva Danhurasana as well, and got up really easily.  Then I did closing.  Didn't bind in Pindasana, or do Urdhva Dandasana (the 90 degree part of the handstand) but still had a good closing.

I missed you Coco!

Getting to a new all-time high in yoga.

Well in my first class back with Coco, I reached a totally new level.  I met her walking to the studio, and asked how she'd been, how her trip was and all that.  She seemed a bit out of it, but she had a great time in Bolivia.  She might have had a little too much ayahuasca while on the trip, so I'm not surprised she seemed a bit all over the place.

I set up in the second row, next to Hugo.  This was mostly because the third row was all full.  Well the second row was too, but I got Hugo and the girl next to him to move aside for me.  I started stretching up, when I hear Coco calling from the back, asking me to move up to the front.  Oh dear, front and centre.  It's ok, I know the series, but it was the first class back with Coco, and I was a little concerned with how I'd do during her long counts.  Also, when she's right there, the pressure is on.  She can hear all my ujjai, all the time.  She can see each of my transitions.  She can see if i break dristi.  She can see if I get any of the sequence wrong, and there's nobody around to check on either.

The class started well, and I managed a few jump-throughs.  I think she was occassionally relying on me for direction.  I know the other students were.  We have a new lot in class these days.  They are mostly beginners, but they're very keen to learn, and I don't see them taking any breaks to rest.  there were perhaps 15 of us today.

Tiryam Mukha Eka Pada Paschimottanasana was less painful than usual.  I was still a barn door leaning to the side with my arm out, but less painful in the knee.  By the time we got to Marichyasana A on the right, I bound easily.  A on the left, I boud easily.  Then it was time for B.  Now my left hip is tight, and so getting my left leg into padmasana is always a bit rough, and doesn't let me get my right knee close enough to my body to get my arm around.  But today I pushed a bit, and the fingers touched.  Not only that, but I managed to get my middle fingers hooking each other, which is officiall a bind!  Once the right was done, the left was easy.  My trick is to stay for a couple of breaths before going for the bind.

Now with C, Karla had adjusted me into it on both sides in virtually every class, so I knew it was possible.  Again, I took a few breaths in the position, before going for the bind.  That made six binds in the Marichyasanas, a new record!  I'm happy to sit here, and try to consolidate on these gains.  Marichyasana D is still a little way off on my left side, and on my right side is a very long way off.  There are other, much more immediate gains to push for in other areas.  So hopefully I can get these binds more comfortable in A, B and C, so that one day they can become part of my home practice too.

With the beginner class, we skipped Setu Bandhasana, and went straight for Urdhva Dhanurasana.  I've been practicing these, and so managed to get up well.  Coco said I should remove the towel though.  She says I rely on it for traction, where I should instead use my hands and feet to just push up, and not outwards.  She was very impressed with my improvement, and commented to me straight away.

Finally, in finishing series, I bound in Pindasana for the first time.  I've had my fingers touch before, but this was a proper bind, and it felt good.  My left foot is not quite comfortable in my right hip, but I think that'll just take time.

One thing I miss about Karla's classes are the adjustments.  Karla used to adjust me all class long, and I loved it!  Coco didn't adjust me during this class, and I'm not going to hide the fact that I was a little disappointed.  Hopefully I'll get more adjustments in the next few classes.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Photo reblog

Friday night replacement

A friend of mine Sylvana is studying to become a Spanish language teacher.  Part of this means that she practices teaching lessons on Friday nights, and consequently needs students.  Thus, I have Spanish lessons on Friday nights, and can't go to yoga.

So I did a home prac on Friday before class.  It was nice and fast, and I generated a bit of heat.  I managed to bind in Mary A, but I need to be adjusted into the Cs a the moment, and so that wasn't possible.

Coco would have had her first class tonight.  I'm a bit miffed that I missed it, but I'll see her on Tuesday.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Last lesson with Karla

I was apprehensive about going today.  My back was a little sore today, I think because I slept badly on it.  I  have a really soft bed, and so I think my back is a bit rounded when i sleep.  Whatever it is, I never wake up feeling good in my back, always stiff and immobile.  Yet whenever I go to sleep I feel great.  Perhaps I should go back to sleeping on a hard surface like I used to when I was a kid.  Lets see how it goes over the next few days, a decent ocean swim might stretch it out nicely.

Karla's last lesson today, and it was a very small class.  I'll miss her as a teacher, she does great adjustments.  Also, she is much faster in the Surya Namaskaras, so I don't feel like I'm stuck in Adho Mukha Svanasana for an eternity!!

Today was a Marichyasana breakthrough.  In A I bound on both sides (normal) then in B I bound on my easier side (waahoooo!!!!) :)  And Karla adjusted me into a bind on both sides in C as well.  So of the 8 binds, I got 5 of them, that's more than half!  Although D is still a few years off (well at least a year anyway), I think C on both sides could be possible if my left hip opens up a bit and I'm able to get my left foot into a comfortable lotus.  I think there's an ankle flexibility issue there too from my years of running training.  Certainly a bit more ankle flexibility will make Garbha Pindasana a bit easier.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Raja with Patrick

Anne, where are you????  I went to do yoga with Anne, but she wasn't there.  There was a new guy named Patrick, and he took us on a nice, slow hatha practise.  He called it Raja, but it was just a hamstring focussed hatha practice.  It was nice to do it, but I don't think I'll go back.  It wasn't quite enough to get me going.  I'll head back when Anne comes back from her holidays.

Back when I started hitting yoga hard, I used to do a lot of doubles, by that I mean two-a-days.  Since I got going in Ashtanga though, I haven't done any doubles.  Today was the first one, and I really liked it.  One issue though, was that it's very hard for me to get enough calories if I'm spending that much of the day doing yoga.  Especially now as I'm eating raw food, it takes a lot longer to prepare and eat meals.

So I think I'm going to hit up a few more doubles.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Fast as possible

Today I did my primary series as fast as I could.  I wasn't racing through it, but trying to do it properly as fast as I could.  Everything went well, although I forgot to do the the Ardha Baddha Padma Paschimottanasana and the Triang Mukhaekapada Paschimottanasana.  Not such a big deal, because I can get into Garbha Pindasana, and I cant do Triang Mukhaekapada anyway because my quads are so tight.  I got the whole thing done in abou 1h 15min, and I think that's as quick as I can get a primary series done.  I've read that it's good to have a faster practise as it enables you to add other positions from 2nd when you get that far, and not end up spending 2h on your mat.

Regarding the jump-backs, I managed a couple today, before cutting my thumb with my toenail. Jajajaja.  Well it is a new move, so I'm just figuring it out.  Perhaps a little more technique work is in order. 

Overall it was a really good session, and I'm off to Anne's class for a double up!

Wine and Chocolate

A good led class with Karla, and she gave us wine and chocolate at the end.  It was fantastic!

Unfortunately I wasn't able to do any jump-forwards today.  I'm not sure why.  Either it was a strength thing, or a flexibility thing.  But either way, I was nowhere near it.  I mean really nowhere near it.  I'm not sure how to get it back, because jumping through was a lot of fun, and it means less messing around during the practice.  I also think it'll help my shoulder and arm strenth.

My friend Mikael's girlfriend Millie has started coming to our yoga classes, and she's a great addition, because she spends half the class giggling.  It's awsome to have someone giggling behind you while you're struggling with navasana!


It's sooo cold!!
Back practising at home again, not just Surya Namaskaras, but the full series.  It's really cold at the moment, so things like binding in Marichyasana B and jumping through are not on the menu.  It was still good though.  I tried to work through the series a bit faster, because I have a habit of slowing down and taking two hours for the practice.
I did a good home practice, I was up to the Kormasanas when one of my neighbours came around to borrow some things.  Then I was too cold, and so went straight into closing.
it's good to be back practicing at home again, but there's a lot to do to get back to where I was before I went to Canada.