Saturday, December 15, 2012

Yoga Mysore Style!

Think "Gangnam style" jajajajaaa, today was my first ever Mysore style class.  It was amazing.  I did it at Coco's private studio in the Jungle.  On the way there driving through the jungle, we saw a "Baird's tapir".  It was like a giant pear-shaped black pig.  That wasn't the only visitor.  We also had some monkeys in the trees above us come and say hello when we'd finished.  Now that's crazy!!!!  Monkeys!!!  They must have laughed at us trying to twist into postures, when they can do that stuff so easily.  I only did the first sequence up to Navasana, because I'm so slow compared to everyone else with my breathing.  I headed into finishing sequence, and Coco told me to go back and do Urdhva Dhanurasana, and do that every time I hit my mat.

I've been on a blogging rampage lately.  I'll try to slow it up a bit. :)

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