Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Great led class on a special day

12/12/12 What a funky date!!!

Great led class with Coco.  Because it was the 12/12/12, and there are so many things on, there were only six people in class.  We did a shorter practice because it's the day before a moon day.  With less people, I got more adjustments.  In Marichyasana A, Coco got me to go lower down around my leg, which was different.  I think it will allow me to go down more when my lower back and hips open up.  Coco also gave me a lot of attention in shirshasana.  She said that I don't have to go all the way down to 90 degrees in Urdhva Dandasana.  I can go down only about 45 degrees because of my limited flexibility, stay for five breaths, and then go back up.  In class, I only managed a couple of breaths, then my legs started shaking uncontrollably.

A couple of other things she said in a chat we had after practice were that it's ok to do a short home practice, for example, just to Navasana, however I must always do a full finishing sequence.  Also that it's best to keep to a half-vinyasa practice.  Even though it's better for my flexibility, a full-vinyasa practice or any other type will just confuse me.  She said that the most important thing was to make sure that I get the breaths right in the vinyasa, otherwise they don't do any good.

One interesting thing was that Coco said that I was ready to do a Mysore class, and also that I was good enough to to the upcoming class with Michael Gannon.  She said that even though my postures were those of an absolute beginner due to my inflexibility, my understanding of the practice was good enough for me to give it a shot.

The Michael Gannon class will be my Christmas gift to myself this year.

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