Now that was cool!! :)
A perfect home practice on the balcony. It had rained during the day, so it was nice and cool on the balcony with a soft breeze blowing. The whole primary series took 1h20min in total, so that's a good tempo to keep. As usual, I didn't bind in any of the Marichyasanas on my own, except for A on the left side. I'll keep the deep stretches for the led classes with a teacher. When I'm at home it's more for my mind than for my body.
My shoulder didn't bother me too much during the session. It still hurts from when I slept on it badly a few nights ago, but yoga didn't seem to agrivate it too much, and I managed all the way until the end. I'm sure that tapping away at a computer doesn't help much either.
After the finishing sequence, it was hard to get into lotus because it was that much cooler, but I didn't feel any of the stuffiness I usually feel when I practice inside. Savasana was lovely, listening to all the sounds of the village around me.
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