Friday, December 21, 2012

Stiff today

One of the joys of Ashtanga is that when you are starting off, and only have the primary series to worry about, it is always the same.  That means that you always know what you have left, and as long as you keep to an good clip, it will never take more than about 90min.  Today my body was stiff.  I didn't sleep well last night, and didn't get out during the day to move around.  So my hips were tight, my legs and ankles too, and my shoulder still hurting a little from when I slept on it badly Friday night.  A warm shower helped get me ready for Ashtanga, but didn't make it any easier.  I realised early on that I was stiff, even having to bend my legs in Paschimottanasana A.  Almost from that moment on, it was a real push to get through - but I did it!  Now there's a sense of pride that comes with finishing yoga when you know it's going to be a hard slog, and I got through it.  Then as I was just lying down in Savasana, the neighbours turned on some beautiful music, a just reward for my hard work!

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