Thursday, December 20, 2012

Busy led practice

Tonight's led class was amazingly busy.  We had five rows, and all were packed.  We could probably have fit a couple more in, but that would be the maximum.  I don't know how many there were, probably about 28.
My neighbour attended the class on my suggestion.  She's a 'vinyasa flow' yoga teacher.  I'm not too sure on these 'hatha' and 'vinyasa flow' teachers.  Sometimes I feel like if a person is naturally strong and flexible, they do a 30 hour training course, and call themselves a yoga teacher.  They lead classes from the front, doing no adjusting, and just do whatever routine they feel like.  I'll blog later on what I think a good yoga teacher needs to be, but I'm skeptical of my neighbour's 'yoga teacher' credentials.

I was stiff today.  I'm not sure why, but my whole body wasn't really responding.  I didn't bind in any of the Marichyasanas, and in Halasana couldn't get my feet to touch the floor, even with my knees bent.  It comes and goes though, and I've learnt not to judge my practice.  I just take it as it comes.

Coco must have had a hard day today.  I had to help her with the order of the postures at times, like whispering "buhjapidasana" to her, or letting her know when she's missed a side.  She helped me with the vinyasa counts in supta konasana today though.  I was doing it too fast, missing out a breath in my solo practice, and she got me to slow down and get the breaths right.  Lastly, there was a guy in the row in front of me that looked like he was from a cross-fit background.  I say that because he was doing 'hindu push-ups' instead of the usual vinyasa count.  It's good to see people like that coming to yoga from active sporting backgrounds.  He was very strong and flexibile. I wonder what influenced him to make the switch...

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