Monday, December 17, 2012

Busy Practice

After Sunday off, It was back to Coco's led class.  She's started counting through the vinyasas in Sanskrit which is really cool. "ekam" "dve" "chitwari".  I really like that.  She adjusted me in Ardha Baddha Padma Pashimottanasana on my good side, and really far, so I grabbed my foot for the first time ever.  It was a fantastic feeling, because I've never even touched it before.

Last Saturday in the Mysore class she suggested I put a towel over my knee in each of the Marichyasanas.  This helps with grip, and I was able to bind in A on both sides, and B on the left.  I think binding is helping with my shoulder flexibility.  Unfortunately, I slept badly on my left shoulder on Friday night, and it's been giving me trouble ever since.  I'll keep an eye on it, and maybe take a day or two off towards the end of the week if it doesn't fix itself, so I can be fresh for the Michael Gannon class.

My Urdhva Mukha Svanasana is also starting to open up a bit.  I'm not quite getting my shoulders back yet, but I am able to open my chest ("heart" in yoga-speak) more now.

When we had a chat about the speed of my practice, Coco said it was better to pick up the speed.  Because of my slow breathing, I can take over two hours to do half-vinyasa primary.  She said I should work on speeding up so I can get the whole thing done in about 1h15min.   It's ok to have the occasional slow practice day, but better to focus on regularly moving through the asanas and keeping a breathing rhythm.

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