Monday, May 13, 2013

Yoga in long pants?

I finally got a full primary in, in this little hotel room.  

I’d never done a full primary in Long pants before.  How strange.  I mean, how does one get their arms through their legs for Garbha Pindasana?  I tried, but it wouldn’t go.  The rolling thing was off limits anyway, because in this little hotel room I’m stuck in a corridor without much room to do it.

I got to go mountain biking in the local hills around here.  Absolutely beautiful trails, through farmland full of infrastructure that was set up by the Moors long ago.  A lot of it is still tendered by the Spanish today, but a lot of it has fallen into ruin.  We drank water from a natural spring that gets its water all the way from the Pyrenees, through a layer of porous rock.  It tasted better than Evian.

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