Monday, May 20, 2013


Inversions are part of our practice.  In primary we have Salamba Sarvangasana and the Sirsasanas.  Initially these are exciting to do, but the soon become part of the practice.  Adding to my inversions experience is that this house has an inversion table.  Wow are those things fun!!  I just lie back, and let the table do the rest.  I can feel my back opening up as I lie there. 

One thing that doesn’t happen when I’m on the table, is that I don’t get the rush of blood to the head that I get when I try handstands.  Whenever I try to throw down a few handstands, I get a screaming rush of blood to the head, but it doesn’t happen on the table, even though I end up in the same positions… strange.

In other news, I have my lotus back.  Well it’s partly back.  I can get back into it, but can’t get the arms through the legs yet.  That’ll be the next thing to come back, I’m sure.

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