Monday, May 13, 2013


I went for a run today.  It’s the first for a while.  I used to run a lot, at even had a running blog back in 2006.  That then morphed into a Triathlon blog, and by 2011 the Tri blog was getting a huge amount of traffic.  I closed the blog when I had my motor scooter accident and my illness, but I’ll probably do triathlon again someday.

When I moved to Mexico I kept running, though only a little, and a lot slower than before.  Somewhere along the line though, some old foot injuries flared up, and running was off the table.  Today’s run was just 2km.  Long enough to strengthen the feet, calves, and knees, but not long enough to do anything else.  I know how to train from scratch – SLOWLY!

Primary was good, I’ve moved into the bedroom now.  The tiles are really nice and smooth, and the window is big enough for the room to breathe.  My hips are continuing to tighten unfortunately.  Garbha Pindasana didn’t happen today, and usually that’s one of my favourites.  Still, it was one of the most lovely sessions I’ve had in a while.  It just felt smooth, easy, flowing.  

And of course, Savasana was beautiful.

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