Sunday, May 26, 2013

Monday, May 20, 2013


A weekend plan to get to the island of Formentera was thwarted by the over excited wind.  Saturday I bailed, because it was howling a gale, but then on Sunday I thought I had a chance.  Bus in to town, and while waiting for the ferry, I met a couple of Italian girls who were waiting for the same boat.  They convinced me to catch a ferry with them to Playa d’en Bossa, and we spent the day there, hanging out on the beach and chit-chatting.

I managed to grab my right toe in Ardha Baddha Padma Paschimottanasana which was cool.  I haven’t done that for a while, and it’s the first time I’ve grabbed it outside of a led class.

In other news, my shoulder is still up near my ear.  I still look like a pirate!  Arrrrrrrrrrr!! :)


Inversions are part of our practice.  In primary we have Salamba Sarvangasana and the Sirsasanas.  Initially these are exciting to do, but the soon become part of the practice.  Adding to my inversions experience is that this house has an inversion table.  Wow are those things fun!!  I just lie back, and let the table do the rest.  I can feel my back opening up as I lie there. 

One thing that doesn’t happen when I’m on the table, is that I don’t get the rush of blood to the head that I get when I try handstands.  Whenever I try to throw down a few handstands, I get a screaming rush of blood to the head, but it doesn’t happen on the table, even though I end up in the same positions… strange.

In other news, I have my lotus back.  Well it’s partly back.  I can get back into it, but can’t get the arms through the legs yet.  That’ll be the next thing to come back, I’m sure.

More Roofy Madness

It’s been windy up on the roof, and I think my neighbours are getting worried.  It’s fair to say that yoga isn’t big here in the countryside, and all my salutes to the sun might be freaking them out.  I think they probably believe that I’m up there worshipping some deranged god or something. Hee hee hee.  Am I?  I may well be.  Are we praying when we do yoga?  I know Guruji said “you do yoga, you think god” but he was a devout man, and from a different time.

Perhaps we are praying to ourselves up there.  We are certainly devoting the time we spend practicing to ourselves.  We are quietly working on our minds, and our bodies.  To suggest it is praying isn’t far from the truth.

Again I got Bujapidasana.  Again I stayed up for a few seconds.  Part of it is wrist flexibility.  Because I can’t make that ninety degree angle yet between my forearms and palms, it’s hard to stay up.  I’m sure with a few more weeks of getting up into Bujapidasana, I’ll get some extra flexibility that’ll help me out there.

The Shoulder

Waking up the day after kayaking, and my left shoulder is hugging my ear!!

I have no idea how this happened, but I look like a pirate!  Arrrrrr!  I don’t know how long it’s going to take to go back down to where it’s supposed to be, but hopefully soon.

I’m doing yoga on the roof now!  It’s yoga with a view!  I can see the countryside around me, and all the way to the town of Sant Antoni.  I also managed my first ever Bujapidasana!  Wow.  It’s been so long that I’ve wanted that pose.  I managed it for about three seconds before falling back down.  In actual fact, getting Bujapidasana is just technique, not an increase in strength or anything like that.  All I needed to do was bring my legs into the middle and cross my ankles.  Then there was enough space for me to stay up on my palms.  My legs still aren’t up near my shoulders like they should be, but that’s going to take some further hip opening first.


The next few posts are again a collection that I haven't managed to put up due to my lack of internet access.  I have five to post this time.

Today I went kayaking near the island of Es Vedra.  It’s a fantastic rock that juts out of the ocean near here.  It looks like the iron islands from Game of Thrones.  We went on a sunset cruise, and although the sunset had a few clouds in it, it was beautiful all the same.
The water was crystal clear.  The rocks underneath were beautiful too, but out of reach with the jellyfish populations as they are.  The water was freezing!
More yoga in the bedroom, same as before, a little stiff in the hips, but still able to do most things.  I’d love to get my lotus back, but we can’t rush these things.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Medieval festival

The order of some of the recent posts are a bit mixed up.  Posting them all at once on a poor connection seemed to overwhelm the blog, and I had errors popping up all over the place.  I hope it's understandable.

Today I caught the bus into Eivissa town for the medieval festival.  It was everything you’d imagine it to be.  The whole castle was full of stalls selling everything to do with the old style of life on the island. Big pigs on spits.

Yoga was good, I've stiffened up a lot with the running.  Well I'm not sure it's the running, but I've certainly stiffened up a lot.  It's been mostly in the hips.  I can't seem to get together a good Garbha Pindasana.  That used to be my favourite, so it's quite a hit to my practice.  I hadn't realised how much I like rolling around on my back, tied into a pretzel shape.  Right now I can't even get my arms through, so there's no rolling, but I'm sure it'll come back soon.

I've moved to practicing in my bedroom.  The tiles are nice and smooth.