Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Heating up the Shala

I have had a lot of stiffness since I got to this house, and a lot of that is probably due to the temperature.  It's much colder here than Mexico.  It does get warm during the days, but at night it cools down significantly.  To counteract this, I heated up my bedroom where I sometimes practice, until it was about 30 degrees.  I think it really helped.  I was sweating better than i usually do, and some of the seated postures were better.  I managed a good Garbha Pindasana, but couldn't get my arms through my legs for a Kukkutasana.  The Marichyasanas have still gone, but I know they will come back.  My Urdhva Dhanurasana though was fantastic.  I lifted straight up onto my head, and from there repositioned to push up onto my hands.  I find this one a lot easier in the heat.  In between each one, I just came back down onto my head to rest for a second, before pushing up again easily.  All three felt strong and good.

While staying here on the island, I've made a few friends, but especially one really good friend.  She reminds me of my friend Renée, who was instrumental in getting me back into yoga early last year.  I'd been missing Renée of late, as not having internet at home, we don't have our usual Skype chit-chats.  My new friend is a yogi without even knowing it.  Although she doesn't do any of the asanas, she has studied similar philosophies, and is always willing to chat about everything.  It's often really hard to find people like this.  Most people go through their life not able to feel energies, or analyse life from a 'yogic' perspective.  I know i spent nearly thirty years without this perspective, and I feel really lucky now that I have it.

One thing about having body still quite stiff at the moment, is that it's a good opportunity to focus on not being too attached to the postures.  In the book I'm reading, a lot of the yogis have commented on how important it is not to get attached to your physical asana practice.  I think this is an important thing for me to learn now, rather than later.  I really don't want to be craving new postures, when I really should be working on what is going on inside.

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