Friday, June 7, 2013

A Lunar Calendar

I don't usually post about non-yoga days, but today something happened that is really cool.  I got a yoga gift from the gods.

I was invited out to a Brazilian night, where they play Lambada music.  Now not knowing anything about this type of dance, the conversation went like this:
"Do you want to come out to a Lambada night?"
"what is Lambada?"
"it's a Brazilian dance"
"will I be expected to dance?"
"Cool, I'm in!"
We got there, and the place was magnificent.  The whole setup was like that of a huge open air lounge bar, perched on a cliff overlooking the ocean.  It faces east, and so the place is famous for it's moon-rises, especially around the full moon.  The food was amazing.  They even managed to mess up my order and cook the wrong thing, but rather than taking it away, they just brought the second one and asked if I could manage both.  Haha, I managed quite nicely :).  Blah blah, good drinks, good music, good company…  The reason I'm posting, is that they came around at the end of the night, and gave me a huge lunar calendar.  I's a big beautiful thing that you would put up on your wall.  Now if there's anything that is a sign that I should do some more Ashtanga, it's receiving a free lunar calendar on the eve of my yoga retreat.

So I start the yoga retreat having had two really late nights out.  Oops.  Haha. Oh well.

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