Saturday, February 23, 2013

Oh Canada!

Well somebody hasn't posted in a month.  That somebody is me.

I have just spent a month in Canada, and did no yoga for the whole period.  It was just too cold.  At times I tried to do a few stretches, but that was as far as i got.  It was as cold as minus 31 degrees at times, and I wasn't in the right environment either.

Canada is a beautiful place.  While there I got to see Montreal, Ottawa and Quebec City.  I snowboarded, cross-country skiied, and dog-sledded.  I saw a huge amount of history, and beautiful places.  I met interesting people, and saw a close friend who I hadn't seen in six or seven years!  It's a beautiful place, and I'm sure I'll be back one day.

Back in Mexico, and I'm just taking some time to adjust to the heat before starting up on the yoga train again.  At the moment I'm still standing up to quickly and getting dizzy, a typical sign that I'm not used to the heat yet.

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