Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Marichyasana C on both sides!!

Back in led class, and I had the best Surya Namaskara As ever.  They felt so smooth and clean.  I don't know why, I think it's because it was very warm in class, and so I was already sweating like crazy by the time we started.  I felt more mobile and warmed up than ever before.

Karla adjusted me into Maricheyasana C on both sides, and I bound twice.  It felt soooo good.  I don't think I've ever bound on my right before, only on my left.  It's a good bit of inspiration to take into my next class.  I think the improvement can only be from the change in diet.  I feel very strong, and very flexible.  Both of these feelings after having a full month off from yoga, and then Monday's class.  Coco once told me that changing my diet to raw would have a big impact on my yoga, and it looks like she was right.
She also gave me a good push in the paschimottanasana that comes after urdhva dhanurasana, and I was really able to relax down further than I have ever done before.  I really really love the feeling of being pushed forward into that one.  It's bliss.

Another advancement was that a couple of times, I managed the jump-through.  I'll admit that they weren't pretty, but still, I managed to get my legs in front of me before hitting the deck.  The only problem is that my feet catch the towel, and drag it forward, needing me to clean it up behind me.  That's annoying.  Hopefully with a bit more practice, I'll be able to jump through without my feet dragging along the towel, then I won't have that issue.

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