Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Class with Kat

On Thursday I did a yoga class with 'Kat'.  I'd heard about her classes from a friend Ticia.  Now Ticia said "she's off the planet, first I wanted to kill her, then I wanted to hug her".

Well that pretty much sums it up.  She is so nuts that at first I thought she was tripping on LSD.  Later though, I just got used to her style, and it was quite nice.

The yoga that she did was incredibly slow.  She did mostly Ashtanga style sequences, but incredibly slowly.  Then she switched to hip openers, and we did things like sit in half king pigeon for about ten minutes on each side.  I've never done anything like that, so it was really painful for me, but good to do something different.

I think I'm going to try to do as many different classes of yoga I can over the next few months.  It's good to learn the different styles of teaching, and I'm sure it'll help my Ashtanga practice.

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