Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Class after push-ups

Well it wasn't so bad.  Sure it was a bit tough on the arms, but no harder than when I first started doing Ashtanga yoga.  My twists weren't so good because my shoulders are a little tighter than before, but that's to be expected.

A primary series includes 57 push-ups, so in the warm-up I did three extras to make 60.  These got added to my push-up total.

Downward facing dog is still a very painful posture.  I don't know why it's so hard for me...  I have an idea, and it's just the fact that my hips and shoulders are so tight, but still, it just doesn't seem like anyone else in class is having as much difficulty with that pose.

Regarding the Michael Gannon damage, I managed to hold lotus for a few seconds, but that was it.  It was also very painful, so I didn't push it.

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