Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Retreat Day 5

We did a really fast opening standing series this morning.  My body was still very closed after it though, it didn't seem to respond as it usually does.  I was adjusted in Utthita Trikonasana and Parsvottanasana.  Funnily enough my handstand from Virabhadrasana was perfect.  Hahaha, I have absolutely no idea where that came from!

Another big adjustment in Prasarita Padottanasana C.  This time my shoulders slid down with the adjustment.  There wasn't the pain of before, and they went further than ever before.  Natalia said that my arms were only a foot off the ground at the furthest point of the adjustment.  No bind in Marichyasana B or C by myself today.  My body isn't like yesterday, but I think it's tiredness more than anything else.  Also, by not doing Garbha Pindasana and Baddha Konasana, my hips are slowly tightening up.  I haven't done those two poses for a week now.  Nevertheless, Natalia got me into Marichyasana D easily on the second side.  She's amazing at that.

After practice we were all messing about, and I tried the "Anurag boyfriend" device.  It's a roller that you use on your spine, and it's terribly painful!  I can see how it works, but I'll certainly not be getting one myself!!  I also had a good chat to Francesca, the Italian girl who's there with her brother.  She was really cool.  Today I couldn't stay for brunch unfortunately.

In other news, I booked my flight to India!  I'll be flying there at the end of July from Germany.  Can't wait!!

I need to set up some sort of afternoon stretch session.  My body just doesn't respond to yoga in the morning as it does in the evenings, and I seem to tighten up after each session, whereas after an evening session, I'm always loose the following morning.  Here's what I need to work on:
Softening my glutes and making my padmasana more comfortable so my left knee drops to the ground like my right.
Some spinal twists, so my back doesn't crack like crazy in Marichyasana C
I have to do something with my wrists or they'll surely explode soon.  The can only bend to about 45 degrees instead of 90.
Hamstrings of course!!
And finally, my shoulders.  Natalia won't always be there for Prasarita C.

Nuria gave me an email address to check for accom in Mysore. Aaaaahhhh, it's all coming together!!

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